

The Chronicles of Us ( Chapter 8)
Chapter 8- Deeper, Darker, Deadlier

I was shivering in fright and cold. Albert comforted me down and accompanied me. We tried to find a way out but it was too dark for us too see. We could barely see anything but we could hear the massive flow of river water. We were pretty sure that the river was just around the corner. We tried to fight the darkness and made our way toward the river bank. We have read in books that river can lead us to the right way back. That’s our only hope. We walked for around 15 minutes in the dark and found a huge tunnel in that pitch of darkness. We were dumbstrucked for the moment and thinking whether it is safe or not to get through it. We had no other choices. Albert held my hand and lead the way into the tunnel. We walked deeper and deeper, and end up to a different world. The unlighted route of ours lit up with morning sunshine. We had no idea what was happening, as the night vanished into a day. We kept walking in confuse and amaze.. After a long walk, my feet became frozen and I couldn’t lift up my foot ahead. I was so tired and exhausted. Albert helped me out. We sat under a banyan tree to catch breath and shade from the glowing sunlight. He got some water from the nearby river to quench our thirst. Not far from the tree, we saw a small hut. We took our step there to seek help. As soon we reach there, we knocked on the wooden door. An old woman come out slowly. She started to bow and gave respect for our presence. She said with her husky voice, “ You’re majesty, please come in. It’s a great pleasure of you coming to my house. We were puzzled, however we cleared our doubt by asking her about this place. Her answers astonished us.