

Falling Down
I was on the top of the cliff just standing on edge. Heart started beating with double the speed and I was completely drenched in my own sweat.
I saw a person with hoodie coming towards me. His was not at all clear but apperance was fierceful. As he was coming one step closer to me, my heart started skipping beats and sweat rolled down the cheek.
He pushed me off the cliff. I was falling down from the huge cliff. In between falling to the ground, a sudden jerk brought me back to my senses.
"I was not pushed or thrown by someone. It was my fear which conquered me and invaded me. Fear was always a barrier to me. It stopped me from achieving and threatens me always." I realised.
This realisation plays a vital role. First I won by fear and then I won me. Now I one can win anything and anyone.

//Fear is the greatest enemy lies within the self. No outside force required to destruct//
Stop fearing , Start living...!!
