

The young Giant
The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance. she goes on her way and out of her way to seek for juice upon which I shall be raised, she comes back with scars, in tears even as she bears the juice with which I'll be fed. i wonder and ponder upon my stake wondering the cause of her tears and scars - little did I know that she had to go through the lion's den if she may but pass into the plantation where she'd harvest some grapes to make me juice - my mother! my mother! strong, sufficient, tender loving and always sharing her love with me. - even in the agony of singleness, as she got left alone by the sudden disappearance of her husband, she remained unbroken even the midst of thorns.

you're but jewel, a gem, a rare gem! always seeing strength even in her weaknesses.
cheers to your strength and grace - sweet mother!

#ToWritco-On this special day!