

A Pirate's Treasure

Redbeard scrunched his nose up at Black Bill, his beady black eyes almost wishing to burn Bill to chars.

"We'll share the loot as soon as I 'ave me owns share first."

" 'n wha' will be yer owns share o' the loot?" Bill asks again, his gaze challenging that of Redbeard's.

"Half o' the booty as yer cap'n o' course."

The voices of the pirates collide together in disagreement, each feeling that the mode of sharing was rather unfair.

"I always knew ye we be a bastard, but I ne'er thought ye would be this greedy." replied Bill with a sneer.

" I am yer cap'n. Dare ye nah challenge me like that ye lad from the sewers!"

"Ye do nah deserve t' be cap'n o' the black sea. Ye belong in the rotten graves beneath the sea!"

Bill unseaths his sabre in a flash, the blade balancing on his adept fingers quite dangerously.

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