

You Can Make It.
Do you know that change is a permanent thing in this world? You reading this piece is a diamond 💎 in the rough.
Don't stop reading. Please don't scroll down.
Your current situation must not define you. I know that you are passing through a rough stage now. You have put your best into life, yet it looks gloomy. Remember the words of Robert Schuller, "Tough times never last but tough people do". Your current situation will fade away. It is building a character in your life. It is adding a CV to your spiritual resume. When the lion and bear came to David at the back of the mountain. Little did he know that God was polishing his CV. Standing in front of Goliath he brandished his CV.
You will laugh at last if you can see that your current situation is preparing you for a higher height.
Don't give up. See you at the Top.

Rapid Success.

© Ayo-Von Lawal