

Love Story
Hannah was thinking about Josh again.
Josh was an incredible person with amazing eye's, and, lips that she wants to kiss.
Hannah has had her eyes on josh for a while now.
They are friends, but she hasn't been able to tell josh how she feels. afraid it might ruin their friendship.
Hannah walk's over to her window and reflects on her beautiful surrounding's, she has always loved West Virginia, with it's hills, mountain's, tree's Etc.
Hannah then see's something or maybe someone in the distance.
Too her surprise it was Josh her friend , it's been so long since she's actually saw him, since he moved to the big city.
She's only talked to him on the phone,
Hannah gulps, and, glanced again!
was she prepared for this, seeing her friend after so many years, would she finally be able to tell josh how she feels about him?
Hannah steps off her porch, as josh gets closer, Hannah runs up to him and gives him the biggest hug ever.
Josh omg its really you, why didn't you tell me you we're coming ?
Josh smiles at Hannah ,and, said I wanted to surprise you.
Hannah says, well its the best surprise ever.
They look each other in the eye's with a moment of silence, Hannah wants so much to kiss him, don't want to ruin their friendship.
She takes va deep breath, and, smiles at Josh saying I'm so sorry if I'm acting weird then she smiles , I'm still in shock your here, but I'm so happy to see you!
Josh laughs and says, I love your weirdness my friend, they both laugh.
Hannah grabs Josh's hand and says come in, we have so much to catch up on.
they walk in Josh sits down, and, Hannah grabs some beer's , hey Josh u want a beer, or has the big city life changed you , they again both laugh!
toss me that beer girl, Josh Say's.
Hannah sits down across from him , says so Tell me how's the big city life treating you?
Josh responds, it different from the country life that's for sure, Hannah says I bet it is.
Do You have a woman there in the city?
Nope Josh said, date from time to time, but haven't really found a woman who wants to get serious with a country guy, he laughs.
well I'm so glad you're here every time we talk on the phone, I ask when you coming to see me , you're like one day Hannah , one day.
well I'm here now I had some free time on my hands I missed my best friend , had to come see you.
again they sit in silence and finish their beer.
Hannah says we'll how about we walk down to the lake and take a swim like the old day's.
let's do it then josh said, off they go to the lake they take a swim and laughs about the old days and all the fun they had.
after swimming and having a blast for a little over an hour., they decide to get out and go lay in the grass like before and talk.
Josh asked Hannah how many boyfriends she had already in a jokingly way, she slaps his arm and says really Josh then smiles at him, well I tried dating this one guy his name was Richie, but after 3 months into our relationship I came home from work to find him in our bed with another woman, well I suppose you know what happened after that.
Josh laughs yes I sure do.
well I haven't really dated anymore or even try. so let's talk about something Else.
Josh Say's how about we go horseback riding I miss those day's, Hannah all up for it they go back to her place and put on some dry clothes to go horseback riding.
they make it to their destination, pick out their horse's to ride get them ready and hit the trial. it's such a beautiful day , so many memories, makes me want to move back to West Virginia.
why don't you Hannah says, Josh gets quiet and says I don't know.
Hannah knows something is wrong with Josh, hey Josh I know you better than anyone I know when something is wrong, do you want to talk about it? you know I'm always here for you, were best friend's.
I know josh said, I just don't know how to tell you we've been friends for so long I don't want to lose you're friendship Hannah ever.
Josh never ever will you lose my friendship, I don't care how, so tell me what's up?
They get off the horses and tie them up by a pond so they can drink water and eat grass , the horses need a rest anyways Josh , so now's the chance to tell me what's going on, I have something I need to say also, Josh Say's you first , nope Hannah said you first, it about you now let's see how we can solve this problem your having.
Josh gets quiet then sighs and says here goes nothing.
Hannah the real reason I came back was for you . Hannah says I know I'm glad you did .
there's more to it Josh said , Hannah now said I'm getting worried your not sick or dying are you? Josh grinning says no not I'm all I'm healthy as can be.
well tell me say Hannah, you know how I hate when you do this then she laughs , josh leaned into Hannah and kissed her. Hannah in shock jumps back and stands up , Josh said Hannah I'm so sorry ,
Hannah turns around in tears , Josh Say's why you crying, Hannah says josh I've been wanting to kiss you since you showed up, but I was so scared of losing you're friendship Etc. these are happy tears, I've Been wanting to tell you Josh that I'm in love with you , even before you left, but could not say anything.
Josh Say's omg that's how I felt. wow .
they both get quiet again, then Hannah says josh I love you, I've always loved you, josh said me too Hannah!
they leaned into each other and kissed again what seems to be the longest kiss ever.
they decide to give it a Chance and they fall in love!!!!
( Elizabeth Light)!!!!

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