

most beautiful place

miss universe near
Se bhi kachra. ..
Musu door se bhi
Toppori disto

Musu :
Tum door se
Windows disto
Just random words
Ha ha ha ..masti
Apun bahot smart hai re !!

Sola pura 16 yrs old
Sweetie disto musu
And musu in chaddar
Looks wah kya yaar ..
But Other girls khaddar

Musu :
Acha ...Aur kuch ???

Shenga chutney se
Musu made mirchi
Chutney bahot mast hai
A little bird told us

Musu :
Where is that Little bird??
Am searching for many years
I wanna beat that
Bird one time ..

Thane district mein
Navi Mumbai aata hai
But we are proud of
Musu toppori..for
Inspiring us by her
Charming smile

Musu :
Thane = honey in Tamil
Thane = lord in English

Little bird :
Wah kya bola toppori
I will say this to all now

Musu :
Hey hey you
Little bird ..I was
Searching for you only
Come . I wanna beat ..

But very quickly
Little bird flies away

Vada pav of wardha
Musu ka bite ke liye .
Ache kartha. ..

Musu :
Kyon ..

Wardha :
Musu ka vada pav
Eating style is fascinating
Very mind-boggling

Washim :
We have lots of ponds
Sillly models ordered
From online Powder from us ..
To make their face white

Musu :
Then ...what happened?

Washim :
Then we invited them
They came and washed
Their face in the pond
Yet they looking unattractive
So they went out for
Heavy makeup..

Musu ;
Oh ..paani wala pond

Washim :
Yes ..only musu
Face need makeup less
Cos she is beautiful flawless

Musu :
That already amu wrote
Any way thanks ....

Mumba Devi nahi
Muskaani Devi ka rule hai
She is the goddess
Of entire universe

Musu writes moral

Musu ka Moral :
Dosti districts
Reflects true
Friendship and
Sacha pyar ..
Samajhla ka ??
Am proud to be
A Marathi toppori

This moral is
Very superlative

Musu :
Arre amu ..so far
Where were you ?

I am in your heart
The most beautiful place
In this universe ..


© amusu