

In Your Arms, One More Time: Second Chance
“Destiny is what we brought back to each other arms.”
~ Zoë Kaià

Cara and Her Past: Sequel (Part Two)

The next morning, my eyes were completely sore due to excessive crying last night.

“I still love him, what am I going to do?” Cara murmured to herself.

All this time, Cara knew to herself that she still loved Robert, but she kept on denying it because she wanted to guard her heart.

There was a letter underneath the door and then Cara got that letter. An apology letter from Robert.

My Cara,

Before you throw this letter, read this first, I just wanted to say sorry for all the bad things I did, I know I f*cked things up, but here I am begging for your forgiveness, on behalf of my friends and me I'm very sorry, baby, and you know that I love you so much and the kids, take care of yourself and I know you're a perfect mother to our kids, I just wanted you to know that I am so proud of you of how you raised the kids, and the word thank you wasn't enough to express my gratitude for what have you done for our family.

Love, Robert ❤️

Cara just cried again after reading the apology letter, and because she didn't know that side of the story.

“Mommy, I want to eat ice cream,” Her two-year-old daughter asked her.


“Wait, baby, let me open the door first,” Cara hurriedly open the door to be annoyed again.

“Hi, baby, how are you?” Robert asked Cara to see the look on her face, annoyed again.

“What are you doing here?” Cara asked Robert with her crossed arms.

“I'm just visiting you and the kids,” Robert said to her.

“Daddy, Daddy!” Jessie jumped over the sofa to welcome her daddy.

“Hi, Dad,” Liam welcomed his dad with a fist to fist.

“How did you know each other?” Car, with a cold glance, asked the three.

“Told you, Mom, we know,” Liam explained.

“But, how?” Cara asked again.

“I visited them when you are gone,” Robert explained to Cara.

“Oh, you b*stard,” Cara was now punching the chest of Robert, crying.

“Hush now, baby, and I know that you still love me,” Robert comforted Cara.

“Confident, huh?” Cara told Robert while giving him a smug face.

“Don't lie to me, baby the kids tell me,” Robert told Cara as he kissed her on the lips.

Cara submissively returned the kiss, and they were on the bed, immediately naked, seizing each moment.

To Be Continued…


Title credits: Michael

© Z.K 🩷