

The Autumn Forest
The next morning when Gillian woke up she found that her room sofa was back in place and her mirror was cleaned and it shone brightly.
On the other side her curtains were opened and there was bright sunshine
coming into her room.
A few minutes later her intercom rung and she answered .
It was the manager on the other side of the phone, and asked her to come down to the dining room for breakfast.
She said okay , I am coming down and the phone got disconnected.
She went to the shower had her bath packed her suitcase , got dressed up in comfortable cotton jeans, V necked top and proper sports shoes.
Her hair was tied up in a pony tail,
and she came downstairs to the dining
hall and found Robert sitting on the breakfast table with a thoughtful
She sat down next to him and asked What happened?
He looked up at Gillian and told her that today in the morning after last night's incident he came downstairs and asked the manager to tell him to show him the list of guests who attended the party yesterday.
The Manager did as he was told and from his computer he took out a printout of his list of guests.
When he handed it to Robert , he took the list and started to check the names but there was no- one by the name of Luther.
Robert again looked at Gillian and asked her do you remember any strange person coming to you and introduce himself.
Gillian said let me think . After a while she said: Yes! there was a strange looking man who came upto me with a hand stretched out and he introduced himself as: Mr.Bates, he said he was a dealer of artifactswhich dated back to thousand years, or what we call as an "Antique dealer".
You said: Mr.Bates do you remember anything else, Yes, she said I did find something strange he had a habit of cleaning his hands in a handkerchief very frequently.
The moment she said Mr.Bates Robert took out the list and looked very carefully to the names when he found the name : Mr. Charlie Bates
(Antique dealer).
The very minute he saw the name , he went to the manager and asked about him.
The answer what Robert got was a positive one , and asked him whether he could get his address and phone number.
The Manager was kind enough to do so.
The address was:
Mr.Charlie Bates
62, Sloane Square,
Ruby avenue West

On getting all the details he called the number but , the phone continued to ring and no one answered.
Robert tried again but there was no answer, so, he told Gillian something is not right ,let's go to his house then maybe we can find something there.

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