

A boy dreamed about becoming a footballer
One day there was a boy he had his parents
He was born on 7th December 2005 in London. his parents were from very poor background family and they could not efford everything only somethings. So the parents decided to put the boy in one of the school. so the parents did his admission in one of school that to in nearby place not much far from their house . So the boy used to study well and even used to watch football videos and also he was good in sports and also used to practice football after his class got over at 4.00pm at evening.at the time when he was practicing football skills suddenly one of the coach saw him playing good and suddenly started removing his video and went and told his manager look at this boy skills I think he loves to play football so the manager told the coach that we will take him in our team . So tomorrow go and ask the boy will you join our team because we are looking for players like you.so the boy says yes I want to become a great footballer and it is my goal so the boy told I don't have much money to afford to join your team. So the coach said don't worry I will help you. So where are your parents I wanted to tell them about you that I came to take you with me. So the boy said don't tell my parents I think they will not allow me to come with you they will tell that now is age is to study not to play. Don't worry I will try so the boy told ok so they both went to speak with parents as they went and saw that the door was closed so the coach knocked the door and said hello is anyone there I want to say something . So the mother was preparing food and heard that someone is knocking at their door and went quickly and opened the door and said who are you why did you came here I have come here to inform you about something come inside so they both went inside the house so the mother said would you like to have a cup of tea or a coffee so the coach said of course why not . So the mother brings the coffee and said what happened tell me so the coach said I came to inform about our child that he plays good football and also he wants to became a footballer so i have informed my manager so the manager said I want to take him in our team means in our club. So the mother said let me speak with his father and I will let you know about that so the mother calls the father and says about what the coach said to her the father said that let him study for now till 12th after that let him join the team so the mother said to the coach that let him study now after completing his studies you can take him so the coach said ok no problem that's fine . So the coach told the boy I spoke with your parents they said you can join after you sudies are completed don't worry I will give you my number you can call me after your studies gets over bye take care. So the boy was very happy and said to him self one day I will become a great footballer. And the boy used to do part time job like working in the hotel as fmb and gets paid very little like 6000 rs per month.
So as the year passed he grew older and finished his suddies and also worked hard and practiced football.
So the next day he calls the coach and tells that I have finished my studies can I join your team now so the coach replied now it's to late for you to join our club. So the boy fells very hurt and sad no problem I will not give up there is still time I will keep on trying one day I will get an opportunity to join another club so he keeps on practicing and suddenly one boy came and said will you join our team I will speak with my coach so the boy says ok . So the boy takes him to coach and says about the boy that he plays good football and he want to join our team so the coach said let me see his game that how he is playing and then I will decided to take or not. So the boy said ok
So the coach divided the team and said who will play well will be selected and get a chane to play in league so the match begin everyone was playing good but the boy did not score any goal. So the coach told let us try to take the free kicks so the boy said I will take the first shoot okey replies the coach as the boy shoot everyone started laughing at him and said he don't know to play football look where he kicks the ball. After the practice the coach said don't worry it happens in football when I was small I also used to kick like this but I still didn't give I tried and practiced hard. So the coach teached the boy how to control pass and shoot the ball and other basic things. So the boy used to practice hard and learn at night so the coach used to observe him practicing
So as the year passed by the coach said we will be having matches with other teams if we can win the match we can get a chance to play for a league. So the match has began everyone started playing so the boys plays well and scored 1goal so the coach became very happy and knew that he will become a great player . So after 45 minutes he scored another goal and they won the match and won the medals and the boy got the trophy
And was very happy and has he played other matches also good and scores the goal.
The team reached the finals against other team the match started everyone was happy and excited to see the match so they played the match and won the match by 4 goals and won the finals and the opponent team scored 3 goals and losses the game. And the boy became a great footballer and also famous and got lot of contracts from the other managers to play in their clubs.

Never try to give up in life in whatever situation you are facing.
And always try you best to succeed your goal and your dreams and work hard.

This story is written by nikhil dsilva

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