

Part 5 Issues Addressed
So after the initial new wears off like it does for most people and as humans we tend to slip into a state of just not trying so hard or forgetting the little things. Ok my friends that is all a bunch of BULL POOP!!! First of all the new should never wear off because and the one you fall in love with will never get old. THE ONE YOU TRULY FALL IN LOVE WITH WILL NEVER GET OLD SO THERE'S NO NEW TO WEAR OFF.... Life is short and not meant to be wasted on those we are unsure of but meant to be spent with someone who we can't get enough of. I know walking away from dead end relationships after years of dedication can be difficult but I also know if your already unhappy then why stay because really either way you are still unhappy so why chance what may be the best decision of your life and just move on. Time doesn't slow down and every minute becomes our past so always remember the little things you know the ones you spend so much time on when the one before you was something you craved well and better yet should still be what you crave, otherwise just let them go. It's also easy to forget that when we make foolish decisions in a relationship it's not just one heart that is hurting but two. We make something so simple seem so hard when it's not. Talk yes that thing called communication try it. Don't lie just keep things real with each other no matter how difficult so as two adults it's easier to do what is best parting ways in a civil manner!
Part 6: The Ending will come soon:
© LaDonna Michelle💛