

Faraway Stranger
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...
© Trucoin corporation

Drey had a family of four, a housemaid and a cousin. They lived in a furnished home, though they were living well and could be rated as a wealthy family in the neighborhood.

Drey is a man of affluence and takes this for granted. He was appeased by women because he has charming looks and he was wealthy.
Come to think of it, there something spectacular about him. Being a rich fellow in the society, you need to have women to yourself on a platter of gold, getting married to numerous women and living extravagant and noticed in the society but he was different.
He was totally different from them, he married only one woman and they are happy after all but he was severely noticed for one attitude which made him different from others, He never gives alms to anyone or give help to anyone. He doesn't regard strangers or beggers for no reason no matter how pitiable they look he just passes by

He is popularly known for jewellery and sales of expensive clothings. He had a large shop close to his house where his wife was in charge of the jewellery department. His children helped in the maintenance of the shop and running of erands, the business went on smoothly and the daily increase of sales made them more happy.

He had a burning passion to be recognised in the whole society including local and foreign societies and he achieved his dream after six years of constant boom sales from his shop.
He open a new shop in a neighboring town so as to increase popularly and wealth.
Drey's wife was not comfortable with the behaviour of the husband to the needy and been rich and influential in the society gave him no excuse of not helping people but all advice and yelling fell on deaf ears.
this continued for series of time and everyone felt as the days goes by he might have a change of mind and see reasons with thier plea.
he was still hustling and making noticeable changes in his shop.
Things had to change and responsiblity and roles had to switch and interchange hands though it was not heavy. he just open his new shop and the opening party of the shop will forever be remarkable because it was full of more than expectations.
now, his cousin had to replace him and take his duty in his earlier shop and his wife still maintained her position in the shop. all this happened while he had to resume his new shop alone.
every weekend drey visits home because he cant do the daily run from home to his new shop. it takes a whole day before someone would arrive there
and a business man who has a new shop and has to gather enough audience would not give it a thought going to work from home in such distance, so he had to do it alone.
After series of travel, he decided to take the family on a weekend friday, drop them back on saturday and return back on sunday for the usual routine of the new week business.
the family had a good time with thier father on thier new shop. the experience worth it and they all felt they could remain there forever.
Drey been the kind man that he is, he took the entire family including the house help and introduced them to the new neighbourhood where they have to meet new people, make new
friends and have fun to the fullest. By noon on saturday, the family were already preparing to return back to thier first home. the kids begged to remain with thier dad and let only the mom, thier cousin and the househelp to return alone.
they all have to return back, so they prepared and got ready enough to begin thier journey ontime. they loaded thier little packs of belongings and set out to move.
on thier way home as they journied to thier home, all singing and chatting simultaneously with themeslves happily and everything was cut short when they eventually cut accross a little girl of about nine years old.
what frightened them was that she was filled with blood stains on her puff gown which passed a tough signal accross them. she was waving and yelling for help in a cold and weak tone that meltens the heart of everyone and it was not getting dark.
Drey looked at his chidren and everyone on the journey with him and he felt the coldness so he moved on without stoping for her or considering what had happened to the little girl but i would say its his nature that was why he moved on.
while they were still moving, the wife was not at peace with herself at all. so she told drey to stop for a conversation and drey obeyed and stopped.

She begged her husband to realise the mistake he just did. "consider this child to be yours and nobody helps her in such situation and appearance, no one would be happy. please drey even if you have not been helping strangers and those in need
you have to help this very one, i beg of you drey". immediately drey heard this he moved on and replied her that he doesnt trust that kid and wont help her for no reason with a harsh tone. all means to justify his path was brought to vain and on the other hand
his wife was pushing efforts to make sure he helps her. Drey refused to stop but could no longer follow his conscience when his wife broke down to tears, he had no option than to go back and pick up the child.