

LEO.......(WHO IS LEO DAS....?)
Partiban Confuses that to this Situations...
and He Was Attacked too...by The Gang members of That old Coffee shop Accused Killers..So he Requests the Police officers to Give him a Gaurd with Arms to his house , they Appoints a South Indian Police NEPOLIAN,To Got relief Partiban went To His favorite place , a Place where Animals Are looked after by Rangers ,partiban went and Sees the Hynae , caughted by Partiban he Gives food to the Hynae and Adopts it..
After some days While Partiban is in Coffee shop ,his wife Satya Went to Medical shop for some medicines but she do t know that some members planned to attack her...
Later A Guy with a Sharp weapon rushes towards Satya , she shouted ...but a Strong big Old man Holded that Guy's Neck and Pushed him and Killed him....
See Lady How can This Fellow try to kill My Blood....Your Husband Partiban not a Ordinary person he is A Dangerous gangster Called LEO das And He Is MY OWN SON....If you don't trust me but one day you will know the truth and Comes to me....."
After that she Explained all to Partiban about the attack , he Shocked and Thinked about that who is that old man........

Once Partiban went to market to Buy groceries along with his family Again a Gang attacks the Family if Partiban , at Frist he defends but Suddenly lost the control and Beated Hardly Them with a Hammer and Shouted....
Satya tries to stop Partiban but He forcibly Beats all the Members .....
Satya Got Doubt on Parthiban according to his behaviour so She Decided To enquire about his Orphan husband Partiban...
She went to South India To meet Partiban Childhood friend who both lived in same Orphan Home , she lied to Partiban that she came to the south India for a Office work...but Partiban is Right...that he is not really Leo And Partibans Childhood is true .So he went back to her home but While she came to home partiban Sat on floor with a Cried face , a Courier in his hand.....

© entertainment Purpose only.Don't take it serious and Noo One was harassed in thiS