

Love Or Lust - The Toxic Nectar
"My Queen, your armies are victorious and the rebel humans have been quelled."
He stood gleaming in the sunlight all titanium strength ready to do her bidding. Robots don't feel the need for sex to procreate like the fleshsacks, but she was amused by the idea. Her commander in chief was an impressive specimen, for sure he had the agility, war acumen and indeed muscle of a kind...but she had the power. If she bid it so will it be, he would obey her every command. Yes he was titanium, the best quality money could buy, the purest metals to create the hardest shell. As head of her armies he had to be given every advantage, but she was made from an alloy of vibranium and adamantium. She was indestructible.
"Good." she said with vehemence."Let us hope that finally you really have ceased these insurrections." She cast a disdainful look of rebuke at him, let him think on that, and added,"again."

As Scar328b looked up at her he could see the Queen was seething under her cool demeanour. He knew full well the rebel humans were a thorn in her side. And yet... he smelled the air and her lingering perfume. She was wearing it again, and it unnerved him. It made his polymer-fibre circuits crawl and his sensory valves reel in distaste...the scent of human desire. She reeked of it. He had heard she had started to extract the pheromones from captives. Her science bots had designed a way to enhance the potency and turn it into a super scent that she called her "toxic nectar". Word was spreading of her fetish for the vile liquid, and humans went through a lot of pain to give it. Of course, he didn't really care about the species, it was primitive and could be deadly. He knew they were dangerous and as such it didn't pay to antagonise them further. He had put down five revolutions in two years, and if word had gotten to him she was slaughtering a thousand just to make her secret perfume, then surely it would reach the human spies too and anger them more. He disapproved. It was not his place to doubt his Queen, or question her judgement but lately she was seeming decidely human in her temperament and decisions. It made him shudder.

As the Queen passed by her commander she noticed him quiver. Good, she thought, he too is reacting to my attraction. What is good for the humans is good for me too, I'm their superior in every way. It has become her obsession this animal attraction one human had for another. It made them do the silliest things and led to blind devotion and lust. She liked the idea of the first intensely, it would be good to have power over other bots in every way, not just because she was their Ruler. She wanted obedience, acquiescence and to be worshipped. The lust part wasn't a primary concern to her but the concept of love, now that made her sense nodes tingle just in recognition that it might exist within an artificial lifeform. They were all black and white, cool hard logic and calculations of random variables. Love was the ultimate accolade for a sentient being, and as the ultimate in androids didn't she deserve to have everything the humans could experience? Sex intrigued her, but her perfume was making her feel like she was desired, to be obeyed not just as a Queen but as a woman. It was a disgusting thought. To identify so readily to the pitiable female fleshsacks and their baseness. She had others executed for showing pity to humans, and this itself she knew was perilously close to heresy in Robotic Law. But Royalty was the ultimate, above even their Laws, there was no God to them, just the Queen. She didn't want only their devotion, sectretly she wanted their love too. It made her sick to admit it, but her toxic nectar was a drug she was addicted to.

Scar328b had grey green eyes of smoky emeralds and they were enhanced with thermo chemical receptors. He had a strange compulsion towards the Queen as she walked away from him. He watched her sachet away and even her feint heat circuitry could be discerned under her royal gown. He was drawn to watch her with a strange sensation, but as she turned and caught his eye he quickly brought his line of sight back to her hard face. She was a fierce force of technology. The humans worshipped Nature, but androids found equal if not greater reliance in technology. For sure they appreciated Mother Earth for the metals and raw materials that helped them create more of themselves, and replication was a revered process. But at that moment, a new thought crossed his binary neural pathways, that of arousal. And he felt his processing fluid coarse through his body stimulating his extremity nodes. He clamped his mind shut to the sensations and was pleased he wore his ceremonial cloak to hide his unfortunate reactions. Androids did not feel these things, they were dispassionate and logical. He put it down to adoration of his Queen, to abject loyalty and a willingness to please her.

The Queen liked the outrageous stare the armies leader was giving her, it was insolent and heated at the same time. For some reason her facial features adhered to her thoughts and turned into a smile. She'd been praticing in a mirror how to make it alluring, and she was sure she had it perfected. Her metal casing shone magnificently in the light, buffed and polished. She was feeling happy, the humans subdued once again and more specimens captured for her lab scientists. She'd given them orders to try increasing the potency, but they were swearing it was impossible. That was not a word an android Queen liked to hear, nor one she was willing to accept. Drive the humans harder, push them further to their tolerance levels, their survival was of no concern to her. They could make them breed more and give her a limitless supply of human labrats. But she must have more of her toxic nectar.

He felt her hand on his shoulder, cold and heavy.
"You have served me well Scar you shall be rewarded."
He noticed she'd done the odd intimacy of leaving out his designation number. That was a very human thing to do. Again he was both revolted by her, and yet oddly, strangely drawn too. Just then he felt her release a surge of her power into his outer metal, a jolt of shared energy. He didn't let it show in front of his soldiers. It was a thing that he had heard of in underground circles, robots sharing their power willingly, not to save other bots but as a means of intimacy. Again it was a very human thing to do, almost akin to a kiss.
"You may leave." She dismissed everyone there with a cold fast order. But as he went to move that iron grip held him in place.
"Not you Scar. You, I have plans for."
There it was again. A hint in her voice of something other than command, almost like a need, a wanton yearning. He had dealt with enough humans begging for their lives, that was like this, begging. He was shocked that a Queen could be begging for something from him. What could it be?

What had come over her? She was acting like some human harlot, leaving off designation numbers was a way of expressing affection for a mechanoid bonding closely to another. A sign that the two had some sort of co-dependency. She was a Queen, she was dependent on no-one other than her subjects adhering to her wishes. Her erratic impulses were causing waves of bio-feedback and she released the energy into his skeletal outer frame to be dissipated around his body. He must have felt that, but he gave no sign. She however felt a surge of wanting him alone with her. She wasn't sure where this was going but she was intrigued by the possibilities. She had observed the humans in the extraction process,right before the needles penetrated their vital organs and ripped the pheromones from them. She knew the mechanics of course, but it was odd feeling them within herself. She liked the contours of his physique, the glint of his metal and the cut of his features. She wanted to extract obedience, drain every last drop of his binary power and feed it into her sensory circuits. She had many questions and it was not enough to merely ask them. The others left and she turned on him in a power-core beat.

"My Queen?" he asked in trepidation. He watched astounded as she released her power drive tube and connected with his sleek receptor valve. It was an outrage, it was unheard of. The shock was enough that he wanted to stand up and push her off him even during the connection that was already established. But before he could do anything she surprised him, disgusted him even, as she pumped her own bio-fluid into his anxilliary circuitry and in return without control of his own body he released a small flow of power back into her. Her mix of bio-fluid was rich and high in nanites. He wasn't used to such high concentrations and it made his neural net swim in heady bliss. She was flooding him and making him lose his senses, and all he could do in return was let out his excess power and shove it into her matrix system. The exchange was exhilarating and divine. He noticed her creaks of pleasure and heard his own in return. He felt his power core breach cable reaching out towards her and she took it deftly. The power transference was further gratifying and she plugged into a nearby socket via a retractor wire in her back. She sucked in voltage from the mainframe system and it travelled through them in a feedback loop that was toasting their hardwiring. And then he smelt it again, the perfume. It bit into his consciousness and seemed to wake him up.

The Queen's half lidded eyes opened abruptly as her subject stopped giving. She realised she was astride him in a most undignified way, and she quickly extricated herself from the less than regal pose. The perfume had burnt itself from her synthetic skinpatch. It was gone and she missed the aroma already. She wanted more. She needed more. It was glorious. It gave her freedom of expression. It turned even her finest and best warrior into a willing pawn ready to give her gratification. She liked she could take without asking, it was her right. Her destiny. But then, with a single blow to her failsafe button that was positioned in an ordinarily inaccessible spot, her trusted commander switched her off. In an instant she was rendered unconscious. But robots have micro-second binary pathways, and hers registered the thought before her oblivion...
"Was this love or indeed just lust?"

© .Garry Saunders