

A broken child's view point !
Everybody has intuitions. Some knows that ; some doesn't. So whenever you vacillate, you just listen to your inner feelings. You listen to what it has to tell you.
Like all, I do believe in intuition. And I have been told that if you really have gut feelings, then just follow them. With that view on my mind, I started listening to my intuitions. Who knows, maybe, they are the carriers of something.
One week back I had an entrance exam. I prepared pretty well. And inside the room while taking my exam, I felt relieved. Because most of the questions are familiar. And the question paper consists of two parts. First part has the general knowledge and maths. And second part was the subject of mine.
Without thinking further, I just skipped the first part, not everything. But the maths. I just hate that subject. I know nothing in maths. My dislike for this subject had begun since I started going to school.
Not wasting a time, I immediately jumped into the second part. I could answer almost all questions. Only a few questions are unknown. And after an hour I was done writing. And I thought spending the remaining one hour on deciding answers for the unfamiliar questions. Besides I know there is negative marking. So I should be very careful choosing the options.
But I believed my intuitions. With having a great faith in my intuition, I started marking all questions. At some point, I was so adamant that I know these are not the answers. But who cares? I ain't joking man. I got some daring intuitions.My inner feeling kept telling me ' you dumb, mark this, mark that' etc. And I was just simply following it, marking every questions.
Once the exam was over, I came out of the hall only to see my curious mom waiting for me. And I told her that the exam was easy. I think I might get a good rank. That day I slept peacefully. I was happy for the next few days until I got a message on my phone that the answer key for that exam has been uploaded.
I usually don't look out for the answer keys. But since I was so confident, i just looked into the answers. And a minute or more, I realized the answers I wrote with my intuitions are all wrong. I trusted my intuition and got many of my answers wrong. My eyes couldn't believe at first. I literally doubted and asked myself if this was the exam I had taken a week ago. I slowly regained my confidence and decided to confront the so called intuition."What is wrong with you mister? I believed you more than I believe myself. Still, you gave me broken hopes in return. Now I don't know if I will get passed the entrance." I said these in a lieu of hopelessness, as if I was expecting some answers in return.
At a loss of words, I thought if it was me or my intuition playing brainless inside the exam hall.