

Took my shoes in my hand and sneaked out of the house. The time doesn't matter but you can say a girl isn't allowed to leave at it. Walking slowly towards the gate and open it without a screach of sound. Checked my six and sighed of scare. Checked my phone to be silent enough for me to be alive. Came out the house and wore the shoes. Saw my friends waiting outside to get me out of my silent misery.
Hopped inside the car wore my shoes happily. Then the question arrived "Where too? " Now that I'm confused about it. They read my face and just said, "We'll figure it out as always".There was that smile that i always want on my face. Not to be scared of the shitty world and just the company of some douche bags which mean the world to me. It doesn't matter what did i do next, neither did it matter i got caught later by my parents or not. What just matters is that they we're there in front of my place at a useless time on just a call to check up on me. They were the family which i made unintentionally by just being me the whole time and never being judged. I hope everyone gets what i have with my people and stay happy like they need to be.
© Hansika