

A Series of Myths and Legends: Manananggal
I remembered back then when my sister was pregnant. When she was still living with us under the same roof, a particular event happened that my brother witnessed.

My brother claimed that there was someone or something on the roof that one night. It made loud noises. There was no cat or rat or any animal found that morning.

This scared my brother that we joked about it. We thought it was that one mythical creature that feasts on the babies of pregnant women. Of course, this scared him. But from time to time, we stopped talking about it. Although, we sometimes bring it up when we talk.

This creature, known as the Manananggal, feasts on the babies of pregnant women or the blood of humans sleeping at night.

In the morning, it is just an ordinary human, most likely to be a lady. But at night, it's upper body separates from the lower one. They are difficult to kill as the only way to kill it is to find its lower half.

There were lots of claims and sightings of this creature. They most likely were found near pregnant women or those who reside in the provinces with lots of plants and trees.

The manananggal was described to have bat wings and a long tongue. It went by a few names such as Aswang and Tik-tik. This thing was observed to have a strong dislike to garlic and salt.

After knowing these basic facts, I started to believe that this creature exists, although it was only for a moment. My brother and I no longer heard loud noises on the roof at night when my nephew was born.

But, still. It haunted me for a while. It was a few weeks later since my brother's encounter with it. I never really told anyone about this.

I stayed up until 11 PM since I was using the bathroom. Everyone in the house was already asleep. While I stared at the ceiling, I heard loud noises. I concluded that it was just a cat. I was dozing off already when a louder bang startled me.

The cat must have fallen since all our dogs started barking. I sighed and minded my own business.

I recalled seeing a shadow pass by the window. I passed it as the tree swaying against the light from our neighbors. What made this shadow weird is that it came from different directions. Not just left to right or vise versa. It included up to down and vise versa.

I became terrified. The loud noises on the roof went on. My main thought was that my sister might wake up because of the noise. So, I distracted myself with that thought.

As soon as I finished, I opened the window a bit as what I usually do after finishing. A windy flap startled me that I accidentally opened the window fully.

I kept convincing myself that it was just a bird. There was nothing. There was literally nothing. Nothing to be scared of.

I don't know what came to my mind when I just stared at the window, looking for that bird. The dogs started barking again. I could see a faint silhoutte near the tree.

I probably was just seeing things. I immediately went back to my room, changed, and dozed off to sleep. I managed to get those thoughts away.

I wanted to share that experience but I was sure I was just paranoid as I easily see things when I'm scared. I became even more paranoid when I recalled a faint sound as if someone was panting. That happened while I was looking at that shadow.

Luckily, my sister and nephew are safe from these thoughts of paranoia. It's a good thing that this didn't scare me that much now.

I decided to keep quiet about this because I thought it would give me an inspiration for a story.

Well, that day finally came. When I made up my mind to create a series of stories, I recalled this moment and it linked well with the topic.

As of now, this may be the only story in this series that is based on a true experience.

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