

Chapter 2 - The Library Cometh
"Well, that's it then!" Said Amber, throwing her arms up in the air.

All three of us read the sign that was chained to the locked double iron gates that prevented us from going down No Place Street. It read;


To get to No Place Street you had to weave your way through some modern refurbished houses. No Place Street was at the far end of town, the last of the 1960s brutalist architecture. All concrete blocks and aggressive edges that in later years had become home to pimps and drug dealers. With the power cut to this part of town and no street lights emitting their soft sickly yellow glow, the grey concrete blocks looked even more sinister standing sentinel in the dark.

"Come on, let's go home." Said Amber. "This place is giving me the creeps."

"Look, whoever sent you this must have got their location wrong. There is obviously nothing down there worth going to." Seconded Lois.

I looked down at the scroll in my hand. Using the torch from my phone, I read the invite again;

'Be at No Place Street by midnight'

I gave a sigh and was just about to pocket the invite when I saw a glow of light blue shining down the condemned street.

"Hey! You two. See that?" I pointed down the street.

"See what?" Answered both Amber and Lois.

"THAT!" I exclaimed, pointing now more animated at the growing glow.

"I don't see anything. Do you Amber?" Answered Lois.

Amber shook her head, "Please no, not this again!"

"What do you mean." Enquired Lois.

"The last time claimed to see anything was before she disappeared on that invisible train!" Explained Amber.

I knew what I was seeing. I looked at my watch. It was 23:55. Five minutes to midnight. Franticly, I looked for a way through the chain link fence so I could get onto the street. I ran up and down demented about being stuck outside. Eventually I found a gap big enough for me to squeeze through.

Once on the other side I ran to where the glow had settled itself. It had managed to get itself in between two houses. I watched has the light blue glow gradually started to turn a darker shade. Then, it became black. Blacker than the darkest night.

Now something different was happening. A mist began to pour out of the darkness. But this mist was no metrological water vapor. This mist had a substance about it. Slowly it began to push the two houses it had settled between, apart!

The mist now was taking on form. A long tower like structure was appearing with turrets on either side and windows could now easily be made out. I was watching the embryo of a building being born.

After the windows came an arched wooden door and from the threshold of the door, a flight of stone steps came tumbling down to meet the street. The finale was the appearance of two torches either side of the door that spectacular burst into flames.

While all this was happening, I didn't see the other two join me.

"Well girls, what did you think of that!" I said jumping up and down, clapping my hands.

"Think of what?" Asked Amber and Lois. "Were we meant to be impressed with you breaking into a condemned area. We're exhausted running after you."

My expression dropped, "Ah! Come on. Seriously, you can't see that building in front of us. You seriously can't see how it kicked those other two houses to the side. I mean look at them, they look like they are too embarrassed to be here!"

Both Amber and Lois starred at the two existing houses, but couldn't see a thing.

Just as I were about grab each of them by the hand and walk them over to the building. The large wooden door burst open. A warm orange glow glided down the stone steps and almost touched my toes. A loud voice boomed from within the building.

"Welcome Sam Shadow to the Unseen Library. Now if you wouldn't mind coming in, we really must be getting along!"

It was no use talking to the other two. I would, hopefully, have an opportunity to explain things later. I gave them a brief hug before running up the store steps. The last thing I heard before the door closed behind was Amber saying. "Oh no, here we go again!"

To be continued...If you want this story to continue please 'like' and leave a comment. The more I get will encourage me to continue.
© Alice White