

Make #MOVINGON Easy !!
This is for all those who are trying to forget the one they loved,for those who at some point of time in life have suffered a HEARTBREAK!!

Writing with a pen made me realize that few things cannot be undone. There is no eraser that will help you erase the bitter sweet memories that have been scribbled already on your past.
If you try to erase, you'll probably tear the page or soil the ink, which would only make it more ugly.
Love is strong and when you have submerged yourself completely into it, it's hard coming out. I guess, trying to forget is an entirely a bad idea because the more conscious effort you'll put into it, the deeper you'll sink.
The best thing you can do is write something more meaningful in the subsequent pages and soon the old pages would matter less with every passing day.

Give yourself time, hold your pain firmly and walk with it for a while, it will lead you to a better place.. a better state..!!!