

When my Nightmare becomes a Reality - (Ep 1) Her Worst Sundays

Sunday morning 6 am
[Beep-beep-beep...... Alarm was ringing.]
"Oh!!... shit.. Today is my shift", she said to herself. She woke up immediately and wore her slippers and moved to the bathroom.

She took the toothpaste and her toothbrush and she looked at the mirror and saw her reflected mirror like every sunday morning.

As soon as she came out of the shower, she went to her wardrobe and took her casual working clothes. She wore jeans & casual graphic T-shirts.

Then went to her tiny kitchen and took her bread and insert it in the toaster to toast. But she wasn't lucky today. The toaster was not working appropriately.

"Uhh-Aish. You never work on my important days", she told to her toast as if the toast was a person who spoiled he morning mood.

Suddenly, she got her call. [Ring-ring-ring]
"Hello, I'm Aura", she told.
"Who are you?", she asked.
"I'm from Matt London Company. Did you as-".
"No thank you", she told and ended the call.

Again the phone rang [ring-ring]
She got annoyed and took the phone and said "WHAT DO YOU WANT?", she said in a high pitched voice.

"Are you coming for the work? Or first, should I tell who am I?".

"Oh! Boss... I'm really sorry for the incon-... - ven... However I am apologise. I have already reached near our bakery, sir.", she said.

And then, without eating her breakfast, she went to the bakery in her motorcycle.

"This is my worst Sunday", she told to herself.

She reached the bakery and saw Mr. Cho (also know as Eric Cho ) angry.

" Aura...", he told.

"Sir I'm sorry for being late for-", she paused and looked at her watch. Oh shit, she thought and continued "for 1 and half an hour late. Kindly forgive me for all this", she told.

"You have to take 2 hours more shift and delivery the cakes and items... Right now, take this birthday cake and delivery to this location", he told.

"Make sure to deliver on time and no harm to the cake", he told.

"Sure Mr. Cho".

She took the cake and was going to the location as she found....

---------------Summary of episode-------------
So, as of now, you have got to know the behavior and more about our main character Aura Lewis.

The one who is clumsy but hardworking, alone but happy and has a unlucky life... So, what will happen to her future life and what did she find while delivering the cakes to the customer????

And what if something strange happens????....
I hope you love this episode ....

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Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...

See you Next Friday and Saturday....
