

"Tired Rant"

I can hear them as if they were just outside of my apartment. There's a car alarm that is blaring and I can hear somebody screaming, "[Insert Victim's Name Here] is a [Insert Name to Call Victim Here]! [Insert Victim's Name Here] [Insert Thing They Do Here]!" Sounds like my [Insert Relationship of Family Member Here], [Insert Family Member Name Here], yelling, "I want my daddy/mommy back!" "Give him/her his/her stuff back!" "I want you to live in [Insert Name of City Here]!" "You can quit for work but, you can't quit for me?! My dad/mom got in trouble & he/she isn't ever gonna be responsible enough to take care of me, I need you to get clean! I need you, so they don't take me away. 'Cuz papa/nana got busted, so nana & papa are in trouble too!"
[Insert Name of Family Member Here], I believe, has his/her bagpipes red-lining as he/she hollers, "You killed [Insert Name of Family Member Here]! YOU RAN OVER MY [Insert Relationship to Family Member Here]!" As he/she begins hitting all over the body of my car with something hard like a baseball bat or, perhaps a rock; I hear the sound of glass breaking. [Insert Name of Family Member Here] then starts whaling, "I hate you! I hate you! I 'F'-ing hate you!" Shorty after, [Insert Name of Family Member Here] started to chime in, I hear the sirens from several different variations of emergency vehicles start to scream ou from somewhere off in the distance.
They're all racing, "lights & sirens," towards my apartment as fast as they can. As they near my neighborhood, the sirens begin to taper off & are replaced by the banging of several vehicles' doors, sparatically being slammed shut with a sense of urgency that increases with each one. Wow! There must be a whole bunch of police officers, EMS workers, or the fire department, maybe. Whatever it is that's going on out there sure must be something pretty darn serious!
Neighbors are outside yelling at everyone to be quiet. It also sounds like there's a tow truck that is towing a vehicle out of my driveway, probably meant to have me believing that it were mine. (They don't know that I'm currently up-to-date on my loan as of a couple of days ago.) Someone keeps saying that I just lost my drivers' license for good and that I'm going to jail for murder and possession of [Insert Item Here]. Somebody is shouting, " [Insert Name of Victim Here], [Insert Name of Victim Here], [Insert Name of Victim Here], answer the door!" "[Insert Name of Victim Here], I know you're in there!" Another person is going on & on saying, "They're going to make you take a UA at work & I know you won't be able to pass it either! Ha, ha!" Somebody's else keeps yelling, "[Insert Name of Victim Here] just masturbated & everyone can see him/her, the whole entire town knows that you just masturbated!"
I continue to listen, curious as to what they'll think of next with their failed attempts at scaring me & making me look stupid in public. They are running out of options, I can tell by what I can only describe as their, "full-court hard press." It shouldn't take much longer before they eventually run out of gas & are forced to seek out a more appropriate approach to the situation that they've been trying to address.
They did, at least, manage to get my
attention, however, and the amount of damage they have caused to all of my vehicles over the last couple of years is quite substantial. The negative effect that has reflected on my reputation is nothing less than impressive, to say the least. What's more, the condition of my apartment has suffered so much so that I have absolutely no desire at all to be there anymore. Like, ever. Seriously, people.
I believe any attempts at picking up the pieces that have been left behind the parade of disruption caused by these tyrants or trying to clean up any part of the mess that's been made would be a complete waste of one's time. I'm not sure it would even be possible to get my apartment back in the same order it was in before all of this harassment began. I'm considering a bull dozer as my best option at this time. Not even joking, guys, it's looking like a complete catastrophy. I might even be able to qualify for some government relief funds. I should definitely check on that. For reals, I probably do qualify for some aide from
the government.
I have been traumatized by this whole ordeal, seriously. I'm no longer the same person I was before being bullied by these people so relentlessly. These people are something vicious and I am not even exaggerating about that at all. I seriously doubt that I'll ever be anything like the person that I was before this all began either. That person is gone forever! That version of me will not ever be returning and that, my friend, is truly a loss that I won't ever be able to forget. Epiphenial moment, for me.
I don't feel comfortable around people at all anymore either. I avoid going out into the public at all costs, I even neglect doing some of the things that I know that I really need to do too. I'm afraid to sleep, I'm afraid to eat, I'm afraid to leave (when I can talk myself in to leaving), and I don't want to stay either. The disarray gets worse and worse with each day, not to mention the awful, putrid unidentified stench that is in my apartment now as well. My possessions slowly keep disappearing as well.
The increase in my utility bills was something I did not anticipate happening and has been detrimental to my bank account. But, there are several other things that have contributed to the
depletion of my bank account, utility bills were only the start.
The amount that the premium has increased for insuring my vehicle is astronomical with a policy that now costs me almost five times what I had paid before. Insurance premiums were definitely a, "direct hit," that nearly, "sank my battleship," in the war that these insane people have declared on me. Did I say insane? Pardon me, I meant psychotic. Absolutely, beyond any & all doubts, psy-freaking-cho-tic. Please, make sure to be at your highest level of confidence and emphasize the syllables, "king," as well as, "tic," so that the correct level of concern for these lunatics is derived from whomever is in audience as the sentence, most previous to this one, is read aloud to them. It's crucial that a certain level of genuiine concern arises from those that are being informed of this horrific situation.
The behaviors I've witnessed should not be something to go dismissed. From what i havd seen from their actions these people will more than likely require a prescription from a mental health prefessional, several even. Personally, I recommend partnering medication with some safety equipment from this point. Knee pads, helmets, something to catch the foam coming out of their mouths. I'll let the professionals work out the specifics with exactly what all will be needed to ensure the safety of others if they are going to be allowed to go out in the public, even with adult supervision. Everyone, please, be careful and stay safe out there!

© W. Helin