


Its possible you've been a victim and without your knowing, you've blocked doors/ opportunities that were to come your way and of course, you might have done this unconsciously and ignorantly.

So you might ask; what or how do you get to know when you sabotage yourself... Here are signs to look out for:

★When you're constantly reminded of your past: well, whether it was a good or bad event; try to move on. As you let go of your past; you actually free yourself to be able to live in your present.. So #Learn_correct_and_encourage_yourself_to_move_on!

★When you feel ‘not good enough' and also begin to compare yourself to others: THIS IS A BAD SIGN! But learn to love and appreciate yourself, even for the little things. Be your own number one fan, look for ways to motivate yourself instead of allowing yourself sink into self pity and low self esteem.

★When you allow your fears get the better of you and then you lose focus on the most important things: ...... Why worry about everything? Why spend so much energy on something you know is not going to be fruitful? My dear, there are so many other good things in your life to fix your mind on(at least, start from there).
If you have to visualize your victory every time then my dear, do it.
Positivity will keep you expectant and your expectations will not be cut off(see Proverbs 23:18).

You my dear, are a creative being. You are a solution and there is so much in you yet to be made manifest..
