

The daily activities
Here I will share my daily routine......
On weekdays, I wake up at 5am in the morning. And on weekends, I wake up at 8am. I stay in bed for 10minutes before I get up. Right after waking up, I drink warm water. I get up at quarter past 5. I wash my face & brush my teeth, then I freshen up. After that I iron my uniform. While my mumma is cooking breakfast, I have a shower and get dressed. First I put sunscreen on & then I comb my hair. Then I take my morning class while taking class my mumma serves me breakfast & she gives my lunch and water bottle then at 7am I finish my class. And then I go to college by bus it takes 1hour to reach my college. Then at 2.30pm my class get over. Then as similar I travel in bus but while returning to my home I take 2bus and then boat it takes 3.30pm to reach my area &then I take Auto or Jeep to go my tuition class where I teach students. From 4pm to 6pm I take class after that I go to my home I reach my home at 6.30pm. Then I get freshen up and have some meals because I am famished. then I used to watch some youtube short's. And then I used to share my all day activity to my mom, then I study after that I have my dinner and then I go to bed. And u know I asleep and no one can woke up me 🤭

This was my daily activities
© Nannu