

Authentic Cocoa in Minutes! +Bonus
(Bonus is at the end)

Nobody likes to dig through a sappy backstory to find the actual recipe, so I'll skip that.

This is a gluten-free recipe, and it can be vegan-friendly and lactose-free if you don't use dairy milk.

Baking cocoa
Sugar or stevia
Milk and/or water*
Vanilla extract if desired

*Add milk and/or water according to preferences. Dairy milk can be replaced with nut milk, soymilk, or other milk-like products.

Measuring teaspoon
Measuring tablespoon

(Adjust times if needed. Microwaves vary.)
1) Pour 3-4 tablespoons of milk or water in your mug.
2) Microwave for 20-25 seconds on high.
3) Add a teaspoon of baking cocoa and stir until the clumps are gone. Repeat until it meets your preference. Tip: to make the clumps disappear faster, rub the cocoa clumps against the inside of the mug with the back of the spoon.
4) Add desired sugar or stevia, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract if desired, and stir.
5) Pour in more milk or water the rest of the way and stir. Warm up for 50-55 seconds on high and stir some more. Enjoy ♡
Yields one mug.

Four Extra Tips:
♧ This is a very personalized drink. Adjust to your taste for the best experience.
Also, measurements may need to be adjusted depending upon the size of your mug.

♧ If you are trying to diet, I suggest limiting the sugar. But you don't have to take out all the sugar, just some. I've heard stevia is healthier, but I haven't researched it.

♧ If you want to prevent as much clumping as possible, I suggest following step 3 as said. Also, the less cocoa you have in your drink, the less likely you are to have cocoa collect at the bottom of the cup. But keep in mind that this is normal and cocoa naturally collects at the bottom. It's not poison. If you stir your drink every once in a while, you'll reduce collecting cocoa at the bottom.

♧ If you are allergic to cocoa (first of all, I'm sorry), and second, I've learned from a friend who is allergic to cocoa that carab is almost exactly like cocoa but from a different plant. I may have spelled carab wrong.

BONUS TWISTS: Try one or more of these little twists to boost the flavor of your drink! You can even combine a couple if you'd like.

◇ Minty holiday: add peppermint extract in step 3 or 4, or you can garnish your drink with a peppermint stick.

◇ Cozy autumn: add cinnamon and nutmeg in step 3 or 4. (This is my favorite way to make cocoa, tbh)

◇ Joys of almond: if you don't want vanilla, you can add almond extract. Heck, why not both?

◇ Creamy vanilla: instead of adding sugar and vanilla extract, replace the milk/water in step 1 with 3 tablespoons of vanilla coffee creamer.

◇ Morning mocha: replace the milk/water with 3-4 tablespoons of coffee in step 1, or add instant coffee crystals in step 3 or 4.

◇ Whip it up: give yourself a big glob of whipped cream or cool whip to reward yourself for your hard work. Mini rewards encourage you to keep going!

Any other ideas? If you have any, share them in the comments :]


© Fuyu Ryuu