

Attune to You

There is an intentional blocking in the air, the literal sense in all the ways this information can be taken, in all ways of perception. There is no wrong way to perceive it, though the path back to the origin of coherence won’t be misinterpreted due to the construct of the literal meaning of always will always bring you to the point of the way as meant to be taken. In a simpler way to comprehend, could be this example. The many different experiences we go through, are personally experienced where the memory of expression is held in our minds and hearts. We can only make these sensible, to one another by the words we chose to share with other persons. The actual feeling of this is stored in the mind and heart, in which every ounce of our physical bodies work to keep alive. So, our blood is constantly pumping through the heart, and our minds are kept alive through the heart. The individual cells in our bodies have their own nucleus and missions to the organs in which they are assigned to keep working properly, a cell designated to the liver isn't going to have the same mission as a cell designated to the stomach. Their missions are completely different, but are all working for the heart. The explanation here is to point out how much of a difference that the functions of these missions could make, if the two cells knew there's another just like it, with a mission to keep the same heart beating. It becomes not only connected to a bigger purpose, but the functioning of the heart would work better with a connected cellular structure. Communication amongst our cells is questionable, because the communication between our bodies within has not really been utilized. This could be a lack of knowing who we are, and what we are truly made of. I made this to make sense in whichever way one is able to perceive. Connection is key to the point of this message, because creativity means connecting the seemingly unconnected. Our cells are all connected through DNA, and without the awareness of this it could seem disconnected, this is just a lack of knowing or being in the dark. This stops our ability to create. The awareness of the disconnection already influences our cells instantly because our system automatically releases this information through the contemplation of communication with and between our cells inside our own bodies. This release creates a door or window of chance that our abilities of creation could be a reality. Now Micro to macro this message, and if we are cells inside a bigger organism, the communication, and the understanding of our purposes here on earth, are we working together to keep the heart of the planet pumping? Are we able to comprehend the abilities we hold to create reality? It’s not fault finding, it's becoming aware to create a solution to a new reality to be experienced. For the entire planet, if we can connect, then the awareness will release this opportunity to open the doors that have been purposely shut. To keep us from creating the life we are meant to live. Unlearning everything and communicating with the intention to overcome misunderstanding, and the intention of creating a new reality. This living being we inhabit would change, she would become healthy, her heart would pump the nutrients we all need to heal. We are inside her, just as our cells are inside of us, we dont communicate with our cells or contemplate if they interact with each other, therefore what really is the purpose your heart is beating for? Literally this a true question to ponder in all ways up and down the microcosm and macrocosm, because without our cells or organs wouldn't work, and without organs or heart wouldn't have a sound for our heart to beat to. We are here, we are reading this, so what exactly are you attuned to ? What song are you playing that resonates inside you? These are the origins in which we can begin to understand simply, and remove the fog that has been placed to keep us from asking these questions, to keep us disconnected, the only ones who benefit from this disconnection, would be those who benefit from disconnection itself. When our heart isn't pumping well, we go to the doctor, and receive medicine, the medicine itself, creates a huge motive for disconnection. This brings in the need of unconnected bodies, translating to unhealthy bodies, addiction, whether it be substances, food, tv, whatever our body craves that is only found external from our bodies itself. There's a rabbit hole for every rabbit. If we are connected to who we really are, we can hear(sense) the frequencies we resonate with, a healthier body is naturally going to vibe as such, but an unhealthy body or mind is going to vibe at a lower frequency which string theory suggests misery loves company. Who puts out the signal to receive transmitted vibes and what are they transmitting? Can we transmit? We can accumulate the contagion, or cure it by becoming aware and admitting that we lack communication within ourselves. This is the key, the starting note to raise the vibes which is everything to transform this energy into your own. Composing your own authentic song will brighten your energy, this will harness into the ground your souls on your two feet touch, this loving of the new created song, will always be brighter than the darkness it transformed from. This is heard and felt and loved by the earth you live and breathe on, she also must resonate with the cosmos which we also inhabit. We are our own vibrations, and we dictate the reality we reside in. We have abilities that we are blind to but practice everyday. How many of us talk to ourselves in our heads or thoughts. All of us have this communication inside of our mind, why is the communication trapped in our mind? How many times have you looked at someone wishing they could hear what you are thinking? When was the last time this was exercised? Remember everyone could have a different ability, but to that extent couldn’t we teach something that we know how to do? We learn math, and the curriculum that is ultimately wrong, but a deep knowing of an ability we are too scared to explore because someone else might think you're crazy? What's really benefiting from the fear you're emitting when you disregard yourself? More importantly, who's not benefiting? In theory if you're a cell, given a mission to help the heart of the planet’s pump to the best of its capacity to pump, wouldn't you make sure your heart is pumping at its best capacity? How would one do this, if our doctors are unintentionally working for the heart of those who benefit from a sick one? I’m not saying not to go to the doctor, I am saying to communicate with your heart, to go inside yourself and ask it, who you are, what your purpose is, and if your heart is pumping for your mind? Or for yourself? Ask it what you're made of, and everything you find inside of your body, can be found externally. Not the other way around. We all have our organs to play, and missions to conquer. First let's learn how to play our bodies or instruments, and for the sake of whoever is listening to our transmission, let's be in tune, and that means being authentically you.