

What divides us (pt 2)
Tik… tok… tik… tok… the clock on the wall gave off a very rhythmic vibe as I looked round the room. The dull peach walls and off-white celling gave off a depressing atmosphere not to mention the gloomy weather outside. I couldn't help but wonder if the person who designed this room was going through some things when he or she was given the contract. The room was big but not to big. It was big enough to contain two separate chairs and a table but not big enough to accommodate an armchair or a loveseat.. sad isn't it. Well if it makes matters any better, both the chairs and tables are plastic sooo.. yeah. I was still taking in the depressing vibe when I heard a soft cough and I remembered.. I wasn't alone. I turned my face to the lady Infront of me and I had to hold back a snicker. She had to be in her late 30s or early 40s, fair in the complexion but you could tell that life had taken a toll on her skin, brown eyes,she had an average size of boobs, she had braids on but it was neatly packed in an updo bun and a pen was inserted in it. Dressed in a white short sleeved shirt,wore a pair of black trousers and finished it off with some black flats. To her right was a camera and a man who looked to be in his late 20s. He was probably fresh out of school and had nothing to do(can't say I am surprised). He wore black jean trousers and a tie-dyed shirt along with some worn out all-star sneakers. He didn't look like much but I admired his taste in equipment. His camera was a Canon EOS and to be able to get one of those, you'd had to save up alot and that told me that he was a hustler, I respect that.The camera features a 24.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 6 image processor making it suitable for capturing high-resolution images. It can capture Full HD videos. Our young lady coughed again before taking a glass of water and drinking from it. I could tell the water was cold cause you could see the tiny droplets making their way down to the bottom of the cup.

"Sorry about that, something got stuck in my throat" she said to me while dropping the cup of water. "No need to apologize" I responded with a smile. "Ok.. now Mr Orji" she started but I held up a finger to stop her… "sorry but I would prefer if you called me Chisom. Mr Orji was my father and I wouldn't want to be associated with him" I calmly corrected and she slightly adjusted in her seat. "Oh.. ok.. sorry about that. Chisom. My name is Catherine Effiong and I am a reporter for The Sun newspaper" she said and waited for me to nod before she continued "I came her because I wanted to talk to you.. well to all of you and get your story. I mean there are alot of rumors as to what really happened but I wanted to know the truth. I had to pull alot of strings to be able to do this. I hope you would cooperate with me" she said as she looked at me. I simply smiled and responded "sure why not… we will cooperate as much as you need". I saw her heave a sigh of relief and I chuckled softly. She then placed a tape recorder on the table, pushed button and then said "why did it happen?"... I looked at her face for a while before asking "do you know former United States Senator John McCain?" She nodded before I proceeded "A wise man who had a lot to share with people. There's this quote I heard him saw once but I didn't understand it then. Looking at how things are right now, I hear and understand him loud and clear" . She sat as though trying to figure the particular quote I meant before asking "what quote is that" . I looked at her, all the smiles and warmness had washed off my face and I must have looked intimidating cause I saw her move back abit but I didn't care then. "The quote goes " FIGHT FOR A CAUSE LARGER THAN YOURSELF"
As I said these words, I immediately went back to where it all started.

To be continued...
© Dora24