

SCHOOL : My Second Place
It was the time when I started to go to school for the very first time. At that time I was filled with excitement and nervousness. I was 5 years old. I went with my father I didn't know what is do at the admission time. My father went to the principal's office with me. Principal Sir was looking at me and said come here and asked what is your name. I answered and then the question answer started. He asked what is my mother's name I told him and he smiled and said it was also my wife's name. He asked me so many questions like some poems, the alphabet and number counting. I answered everything because I had learnt all these things before starting school from my elder ones.

He was impressed and gave me toffees and my father took me home back. The next day I had to go to school so my mother prepared me for school. My father dropped me at school and my teacher took me inside the classroom. As time went many classmates became my friends. I started to enjoy everything in school like learning, playing, talking and sharing lunch with my friends.

In the morning my father or uncle dropped me off at school daily and I came back with some of my neighbour friends who also were in my school but with higher standards than me. They cared for me and loved me like their own younger sister and I also enjoyed their company so much. They played the most important role in my school life because if they were not there it may be possible that I couldn't complete my school life easily.

As time passed away I felt that school time had so much more fun than home. I never wanted to miss my school a single day. I went to school every day because I didn't like to stay at home. By the time I had completed my two years in school. When I had completed my class 1st, my father wanted to my readmission to 3rd class instead of 2nd class. So I had to change my class with another classmate who was unknown to me. I was getting nervous about suddenly entering a new environment with new people.

When I entered the classroom I felt embarrassed because everyone stared at me and I was getting scared but some people called me and said to sit with them. No one wanted to talk more with me, play with me and share lunch with me. I felt very bad due to this. My friends were left out and in my new class, I had no friends. I was always good at studies so as time gone my classmates realised that I could join them. Slowly they started to talk a little more with me they asked me for solutions to their problems which they didn't understand after reading.

As time passed one by one came to friendship with me and slowly I made so many friends. Some people became my best friends forever and still, they are. They were with me from class 3rd to class 10th in school and now still in my life. They made me laugh, they made me smile, they supported me in every situation, they cared for me they loved me, they fought for me, they cried for me, they played with me, they shared their lunch with me, they came my home and took me their home too, they had always been with me. And they were the reason that I feel SCHOOL is MY SECOND PLACE always.❤️🙌🥳

© Jaya Tripathi