

The tribrid: Chapter two
"Wait what?!?" I said surprised at her words, as I turned to see an old woman with a brown locks, her face had so many wrinkles, her orbs are that of the deep ocean blue. She held a staff supporting her, as she stood on her ground.

"What purpose exactly, because the last time I checked, I have no super powers whatsoever." I added sounding more frustrated than ever, like how the fuck did i get into this mess.

The old woman chuckled lightly.

"Lyana, you still have this innocence left in you, I thought it would have wared off by now." She said to me, making me sound like I'm the most stupid person on earth, no! Who even knows if I'm on earth or not.

"You-" I began to speak but she shut me up with her words.

"Lyana, you have more powers than you can imagine these powers flows in your like the way a river flows effortlessly. Never underestimate yourself." She walked closer to me, that we were just few inches away from each other.

"Okay, I think you must be mistaken me for someone else. Because I am a human not some supernatural being." I uttered begining to feel uncomfortable with the situation right now.

"No I am not, and you were never a human, you were just living in a human's body. But, now you're back to where you truly belong, yes I know princess Leona's body isn't yours but it all happens for a reason. Well, you're the reason you planned this all by yourself." She explained carefully as she stood still staring at my iris.

"What? I would never do such a heinous thing, I mean swapping my soul or whatsoever to someone else's body or so, never!" I said not believing the woman's words.

"It's all time, the time has arrived. You would get to know everything. But do not reveal for they wouldn't believe, and yeah one more thing, I am your guide till you regain your full powers." She explained and before I knew it she disappeared into the blues.

The moment she left I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I stated.

"My lady, you haven't dressed up yet?" The lady who had came to call me the first time stated in disbelief.

”I was just trying to get a dress but uhh.....none suit my taste." I said struggling to make an excuse.

"But my lady, you got this dresses just yesterday from the royal tailor."

"Uh.....yes but I don't like them now, but it's okay just leave I would be there in a few." I said feeling uncomfortable in her presence.

"Okay my lady." She stated before taking off.

Holy fuck, what do I do now? I don't even know anyone here, nor do I know the rules here what if I mess up?

"You are Lyana, you know each and every thing, you are the supreme." I heard the old woman's voice echoing, I wonder if it's in my head or not.

Wait, did I just hear 'I am the supreme?'

Holy shit.

"You're the supreme my Lord." I heard a little different voice in my head.

"And I bow to you for you are the maker and destroyer, the seer of the unseen. The knower of the unknown. You are the Almighty Lyana Delesel Rarielo." The voice said as it showers praises on me.

Hells I might get crazy because of all these.

To be continued........
© kaya N