

Live it..Love it..Leave it..Chapter six
well..that was the beginning of a long journey for sasha..journey towards her inner self. The values which we live by come from various sources. In the hectic process of living we don't even remember them. During stress all those superficial shiny layers of skin with which we cloth our soul just peel off..our true inner self comes out in glorious colours. The colors may blind you with its brilliance or may immerse you in complete darkness...its development depends only upon you..only YOU..
The coming days were a revelation to all. Anu supported her unconditionaly. Priya was pragmatic in her advice. Her mother took the guise of her friend. The worst affected was Sanjitha.she was like a tigress deprived of her food at the last minute. She was running to pillar to post, gathering support for her cause. But...what could be done?
No one close to Nithish could believe that he could have done this...but the possibility also irked them. why should some one lie in this matter? but..there are people like that also. well..sasha thought on all angles, but more she thought about it , more confused she became.
Priya was the practical one." oh! sasha! she is not lying",she told," why not talk to his mentor and long time friend Charulatha Banerjee? ". Charulatha Banerjee was quiet a force in that area. She was in her late fifties and the professor emeritus in the local University and everyone knew she was close to Nithish. She has chosen to remain unmarried and was famous for her straight forward ways and caustic remarks. she was a hospitable person and friends and students found her home warm and welcoming. sasha knew her through Nithish.
"Nithish! I didn't see him in the last ten days", she replied sharply. But she talked for two hours.
" I am totally disappointed with him. sanjitha is a poor girl..totally devasted..and emotionally drained..of course she is telling the truth and I do not know how to find justice for her",it was clear she was torn between her loyalty to Nithish and the reality.
sasha could not fathom who should be pitied more. Life with all its curious twists and turns..may be she has escaped all these complications. May be this is a blessing in disguise..is it so? only time could answer these questions.
(to be contd.)

© nandini bose