

" death is only a tickle " pt.3
" i come, to no dismay nor harm to you my friend. my taste is of humble and it's flavor of kind spirit.- and yet I walk thru the valley of death. with admiration. for my difference unlike the others- pt. 1 and 2. who has come to visit you. is at a gentle approach. from the quietness readiness n the easiness of my footsteps. i am more silent then peace itself. for u cannot. and u will not. so u shall not) hear the fluttered wings of a butterfly. if one can refer to my associates *( vampire AbomInATion pt. 1/ skills of my limit pt. 2)*. To refresh such memory. unfortunately as in such matters. the 4th delegate after me. will not be so cordial. things are happening quick. - -and thers such reason for. a murder ther will be. a killin ther shall be. thank u for this 💃 dance... .. -and tell blue wher comin.
© gary bell