

The ATMs /CDs Story
30 June 2021
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla Blogs Page.@jawaharlalla #Jawaharlalla
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Today my blog sharing a # ATM Story.
My relation with ATMs and Self Service #banking terminals goes back to 3 decades. It was a glorious moment for me & my team when we launched the first #banking terminals accepting our cash payments that time in India followed by bill pay kiosks. If I retrospect, I feel we designed & delivered self-service banking kiosks well ahead of time, even before the market maturity &acceptance.
The first ATM was deployed in HSBC in India around the early 80s.
Today #ATMs have become an indispensable part of our lives. Inventor & innovator of CD came to Mr. John Shepherd-Barron while he was sitting in the bath, cursing his tardiness.
He’d gone to his bank to withdraw cash but arrived a minute after closing time one day in the mid-1960s, leaving him with no funds for the weekend.
“Wouldn’t it be a good idea if there was some way of obtaining money outside regular working hours?” he pondered?.
Vending machines, which allowed him to buy chocolate at any time of day or night, sprang to his mind.
This is when Mr. Shepherd-Barron who worked for a printing company, devised a system for automatically dispensing cash 24 hrs a day self-service cash dispensing machines.
Later that year, he bumped into the chief general manager of #Barclays Bank U
I Shepherd pitched the product brief an idea that if you put your standard Barclays bank cheque through a slot in the side of the machine it will deliver standard amounts of money around the clock for the bank.
Barclays commissioned Mr. Shepherd-Barron to build the first six cash dispensers, which were installed at a branch in the north London suburb of Enfield on June 27, 1967.
Many of us don't know Mr. Shepherd Barron was born in Shillong, India in 1925 & later served in the Indian Army in the Second Airborne division where he taught Gurkhas to parachute.
He also invented the PIN by recalling his Indian Army number, he had originally intended to make personal identification numbers (PINs) six digits long but reduced the number to four when his wife, Caroline, complained that six was too much to remember. Which later become industry standard
The #ATM/ #CD machines arrange the correct money to be dispensed according to our great scientist Mr. Ramanujan's partition theory. Incredible isn’t it !!. Is it wrong to state necessity becomes the mother of some greatest innovation of the universe?. If you have an idea we can put it into practice.@Jawahar Lalla #jawaharlalla
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