

False Judgements
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.
Oh...no!What am I doing with this knife?.
When I looked on my left side I saw my best friend Marisa.
"Marisa!Marisa!Wake up!"I said shaking her
I later saw a wound I understood what was happening.
The killer gave me the knife so I can look like the criminal.
I wasn't going to go to jail!
I felt dizzy and fell on the ground.
As I woke up I saw my mom I was a bout to hug her and cry out my pain but I was stopped by the handcuffs.
My mom started explaining and crying too"Darling how can you kill your best friend?"
"Mom I didn't kill her!"I started justifying myself.
"Stop it!The police found you holding a knife"
She said yelling and crying at the same time.
"Mom I swear to God I didn't kill her"
"Now that you're awake you will be going in the trial"Mom said with tears.
"Mom I didn'....."We were interrupted by two police officers who gave me clothes and handcuffed me.
We were going to the court I was trying yo remember anything but I couldn't.
As we walked out of the car there were many reporters outside but we made it inside.
I was standing with a police officer and then he started dragging me into the court I saw my parents and Malisa's giving me death glares.
The trial went quickly and no one even believed me.My lawyer did everything but nothing happened.
I was walked to my cell and dragged me inside.
Now I've spent 10yrs inside and I heard I have a new lawyer willing to help me.
Just wish he can do his best an help me💞.