

Why not be thier true self? Why do people hind behind a mask? She thought to herself. Her friends were more were hiding behind madks more then ever she had been around. She had the money, the drug, the ride, and the house. Her so called friends were not her friends. Not even her boyfriend was really her boyfriend. He was more 2-faced then her friends. The used her as long as she had everything because she had a good heart and kind. They would act like they wanted to be there for her and be friends. Even told her they would fight and stand by her side if they needed to. When the time came she looked to her left nobody was there, then she looked to her right and then behind her but again nobody was there. She wondered were they all went. See by this time she lost everything. No more money, no drug, no ride, and no house. Even the boyfriend who said "I love you forever" was gone. Why did they just be truthful to her? She was thinking to herself "im not wearing a mask. I want others to see me for me as I am. They can take me as I am and who I am. Not matter what I do or say. If they don't like it they can leave." Now she has no friends. As her life started getting better. The so called friends were calling and wanting to friends again. But this time she didn't want no mask wearing friends. Those who wear masks can stay away. No more flacks. She has more power over her surrounding now because of them. Her eyes were opened and her heart is now somewhat harder. She is doing what she needs to do to keep climping to the top and to stay in the top. She doesn't wear a mask. So why do people wear masks?
© Angel