

While Naomi cried, her baby girl was getting cleaned up. She couldn't help but feel like this time she won't make it through the abuse. She could not think straight. She hadn't seen her mother the four years that had passed by, but she knew her mom would love her grand babies. Even though things had been rough with her living with a abusive man, Naomi could not denied how much she missed her parents, mostly her mom. She would saee her dad occasionally, and that's when he came for money from Jack. Her dad was getting a lot of money. He never sa her though. She would always hide behind something, watching him.

The door was suddenly open, in came Jack with a huge smile on his face. Naomi heart fell. Jack was only smiling because he thought she had a baby boy. Where is he , he asked. Naomi looked at Jack and begin to cry, Jack I'm sorry, she said.
Jack facial expressions changes, he knew by the tone of her voice and her expression that it's not a boy but a Girl.

ANOTHER GIRL, he yelled. Naomi flinched at his tone of voice. I do not want a daughter, he said low, anger lacing his voice. I'll see you at home, he walked out, not before slamming the door behind him. Naomi broke down in tears. The doctors felt sorry for her. They know Anderson Families are a cruel set of people's. They are known for several things, including murder. Though they had never been catch, and no evidence was found to put them away, the police still worked on the cases.

The door open again, but this time it wasn't Jack nor anyone of his families. It was a young policeman, who had grown found of Naomi. He's a very Handsome man. Liam, Naomi says with tears running down her cheek. Liam already have a clue what could cause her to cry. He had never stopped coming to see Naomi whenever she's known to be in the hospital. She would end up in there for sever beaten, a doctor would always call Liam. Throughout all those times Liam would asked Naomi questions and take pictures of her conditions. He's working on putting down Jack.

Naomi, Liam called out walking over to her, while he kiss her on the cheek. He wipe her tears. You're going to be okay. I won't give up, he said to her. Liam i.i.i.I'm afraid he's going to kill me. I have another girl an- Naomi words were cut short has Liam hug her tightly, another girl, that's womderful, liam told Naomi. The expression from Liam is what she would have wanted from her own husband, instead he's furious with her.

Can I see her Liam pipe up with excitement lacing his voice, Naomi pointed to where the baby was taken and Liam left to see her. Walking back into Naomi room Liam smile at her. She's so beautiful just like her mommy, he said while looking at Naomi with dreamy eyes. For a second Naomi forgotten about her pain and worries. Liam always manage to do that whenever he came around her.

What's her name Liam asked... Angel.. Naomi replied.
Angel Liam repeated while looking down on the baby, I like that.
This got Naomi to wonder what it would feel like being with someone who will love and care for her. If she could get that, she would want the person to be Liam. She was so far off with thinking happily, that she didn't see the way Liam was looking at her. He stare at her as if she was his long lasting girlfriend. Someone he could see himself with.

Liam notice Naomi zone out and he went close to her. What are you thinking about Liam asked calmly, like he's afraid she will break. Snapping out of her thoughts, Naomi look at Liam and smiled. I was thinking how it would feel to be happy, to be loved and care for by someone who loves me. I was thinking that I would want that person to be you Liam.

This caught Liam off guard, but he smiled, leaning in to capture Naomi lips. Naomi didn't move away, neither did she push Liam away. As their lips touched, everything seems to fade away, Naomi felt different, free and happy, they were getting away with the kissing until the baby started crying, they both giggle. Liam pass angel to Naomi, has he stand. He look at Naomi and said, You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. I will fight for you.

Naomi couldn't help but to blush. I have to go, I'll come see you later, liam said. Sure Naomi replied. Liam lean in and peek her lips has he kiss angel cheek and went on his way. He did come back to see Naomi that same night, she was happy to see him.

The next day she was release to go home. She was dreading it, but she had no where else to go. Has she reached the house, there were police cars and ambulance, someone was being put in the ambulance, while Jack and his families were being cuff, leading to a police van.

Naomi walked over , realizing Liam was there and he had her two daughters. She noticed another woman and when she look closely it was her mom. Naomi wasted no times as she speed walk over and hug her mom while crying. She showed her the baby and her mom smiled. Liam kiss her cheek, has he told her that her father got shot. It was shocking to Naomi but she did not understand why.

Your dad was helping us to take down the Anderson. All the money he had collected from Anderson he had stored it in a bank account for you, liam said. Rose looked at her daughter, he was coming to see you one night when he heard you crying out for help, he didn't know what to do, so he made a promise to always come there directly for the money, he was checking out the place and placing tiny cameras in the house. He didn't watched what the cameras picked up in the house, because he couldn't stand to hear you cry out in pain. He's always crying, he said he will never forgive himself and that he know you hate him. So he went to the police and met liam. Liam had been working with the help of your father. Rose told her daughter while crying. Honey I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry.

It's okay mom, but how did dad get shot, Naomi asked. He couldn't take it anymore, he was in and out of his mind, has if he was going mad. He called Liam and told him that he's going over there, and that he's going to murder Jack. But what your dad didn't know is that Jack had his families over and they were planning to hurt you. Your father being the stubborn man he his, didn't wait on Liam and went over there in rage, he knocked and when Jack open the door he told him to move inside. Jack did as he was told, but his families were here and unexpectedly his father had a gun. Your dad didn't notice his dad. Jack dad was coming from upstairs and saw what was taking place, he shot your father in the back, lucky Liam came a minute after with the rest of his crew members, and here we are, Naomi mother finish telling her.

Naomi did not know what to say, but she was glad she could be a free woman.

Few years later, Naomi had married to Liam Williams. Liam adopted her three daugthers, David and Rose are now apart of Naomi life again, even though she's still a little off the trusting part with them. She finished up school and become a journalist in which she wrote about her experience.
© Tenisha Sterling