

In the realm of whispers, where the stars do shine,
I sought the Almighty, in His presence divine.
"O Creator of galaxies, and Earth's boundless sea,
What tales do you weave in today's world, tell me?"
God's voice, a gentle breeze through the cosmic expanse,
Spoke of humanity's journey, a delicate dance.
"Child of dust and spirit, with dreams and desires,
The world you inhabit, a tapestry of fires."
"Each soul a spark, in the tapestry's grand scheme,
From the youngest of dreams to the oldest of dreams.
In the heart of a child, the future's sweet gleam,
In the wisdom of elders, a lifetime redeemed."
"But alas," said I, "there's turmoil, unrest,
Nations in conflict, a world put to test.
Injustice and suffering, so hard to digest,
Is there hope for a world by discord possessed?"
God's voice, like a river, flowing soft and serene,
Revealed truths beyond what the eye had seen.
"From chaos and darkness, new stars shall arise,
In unity and love, the human spirit flies."
"Through every challenge and tempest that blows,
Humanity's resilience continually grows.
In the face of adversity, the strength that it shows,
Like a river of hope, through the heart ever flows."
The Creator's wisdom, profound and immense,
Guided my thoughts, dispelling pretense.
"For the world's imperfections, there's light in the skies,
In the embrace of compassion, where humanity lies."
As our conversation in the cosmos unfurled,
I beheld the beauty of a troubled world.
With God's grace, I found solace, my spirit unfurled,
In the intricate tapestry of today's earthly swirl.

© Pooja