

Please read this! Be a responsible Reader

So why I am writing this story is because since a few days the number of likes on my post was lesser than before ( The number of likes was never a lot😂 but now it was lesser than before )
I thought it was because I had took a break for a few days in between due to exams or maybe my Writting was effected due to stress of exams

I am never behind likes so it didn't bothered me much I just want people to read my story and if they give it a like it means they really appreciate (and so the likes make me happy but I also know it isn't necessary for everyone to like my story)but the reason why I think my stories aren't the best is because it's still raw & needs much more polishing.. But there are many amazing stories out there which aren't receiving as many likes as they deserve

But the decreasing number of likes on my story isn't the reason why I'm writing this story. The reason why I'm writing this story is because someone had enormous number of likes on someone else's story. Because many a times I see this happening. many times.
I will share one recent incidents with you

So a few days ago I got a comment on one of my story to check out his story( I won't reveal his name
So I checked out his story. He's story had so many errors ( every sentence had an error not only grammatical errors but also sentence formation was wrong.. All this made it impossible to understand what the story. (Maybe English wasn't his English & maybe his story might turn out to be good story if everything is corrected.
but that unpolished story without any single correction right now has 80 likes
But was that story worth 80 likes? Even best of best story gets about 50-60 likes

So whose mistake it is that the best story don't reach the place where it belongs.

Is it writers who advertise their story?
- No, everyone have the right to promote & make it reach people

Is it writer who don't advertise their story
- No they know if there story is good enough it will be appreciated & not everyone knows or don't like promoting by commenting on other's story to like their story

So who's mistake is it?

It is the reader who is responsible for all this
yep you read it right

Because most of the time reader likes the story which is not even understood by them
Many a times they like it without even reading.

but because this many good writer don't reach the spot where they should have reached

I hope you read whole story

Maybe you are motivating trying to motivate the Writer to not keep his pen down & always keep writing
That's great! keep motivating. but also point out mistakes if any & help them get better at Writting.

and also don't forget to appreciate the story with better storyline description & proper writing.


Let's make deserving stories reach the sky

© 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓
