

When love listens

She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...

It isn't everyday you challenge yourself!

The sun as usual was going down and Aurora's face was lit by the soft light which was bading her departure for the day.

She started swinging fast. The quietness in the park helped her ease her anger. She could hear her heart thumping fast. The wind wiped her cheek roughly while her body shivered in emotion.

It was the "Me time" she was having. She fought with her mom and ran away in anger.

The last words she could hear were " A lady should never show her anger".

Huh! As if that's matters.


"Can't I be angry and show it out when I'm angry?"
"Can't I choose for my life?"
"Why should I be told what the society wants from me!"

These thoughts were burning inside her while she swung more faster.

She slowly stepped down and walked back to her home.

Now if there is any talent that needs mention here then that is Rori's ability to sneak into her room past the watchful eyes of her mom. Anytime!

She challenged herself that this time she will go to the party with her friends tonight and get drunk and enjoy.

Even if that means going against her mom.
She is the only daughter of her divorced mom and living alone with her mom for months now, Rori got used to it.

Waking up everyday watching her drunk mom lying on the floor with cheap wine bottles all over place, cooking meals for herself, working late nights. She needed a break. A big one.

Her mom was in no condition after her dad left her for another woman. Rori loved her mom, but the dad she grew up with. She could never muster up enough courage to hate him for leaving her mom. In debts. Because he was her dad.

She waited for the fridays 9 o'clocknews to be over and her mom to go to pass out. Then she stared at her wardrobe. She had 30min before her bestie arrives.

Almost as if calling her was the hot red sheath dress. She quickly did her makeup and sneaked out of the house.

A minute later her bestfriend Lilian arrived in her car.

They arrived at the party fashionably late.
"Let's party!", Lil shouted and turned starter dancing.

A few minutes into the party her friend disappeared in the crowd searching for guys to flirt with. It was her thing.

"The party is screaming fun", Rori thought.
Holding her wine glass and dancing to tune she closed her eyes and barely felt cold hands lift her and twirl her.

"Rori!", A familiar voice shouted.
"Austin!", she shrieked, a wide grin forming her face.
"Yep", Austin winked and gave his signature smile "I came back today and decided to suprise my girl".

Rori screamed with happiness and hugged him. Austin had been out of town for work for many days now and having him suddenly in front of her eyes made her evening more splendid.

"Sweetheart wait outside I have a surprise for you", Austin winked and pushed her towards the exit.

Aurora raised her eyebrow but she walked towards the gate. She trusted the man with her whole heart.

Walking in the dark night in the moonlight she was smiling to herself waiting for Austin to arrive.

"SAVE ME" Aurora heard from a van that ran past her.

Aurora was shaken with that blood curly
scream. She ran towards the noise as fast as her legs could take her in those heels. The noise came only once but it was enough for someone to realize something is not right.

And round the corner near the darkend alley was the most heartbreaking sight. There were 5 men with beside a van and from there they were pulling 2 girls out. They girls were chained and gagged.

"This isn't good", Aurora thought "I have to do something ".

With her shaking legs she hid behind the corner and called Austin
" Aus something is not good. I can't explain everything but track my location and call the p-"

"AHAA", one of the girls screamed when the beast who was holding her slapped her.

"You are mine now",he slid his hand around her body and kissed her aggressively.

Aurora started crying silently but the conscience inside her whispered "Rori!This isn't time to be weak. You've got to save them. But not alone. This is time to think wisely".

The girl started sobbing and begging him to stop. The men around her stopped and were looking at the scene with devilish eyes.

"Bring the others girls we need to change the place today", The guy who seemed to be the chief said.

And as she waited about 9 more girls were being pushed out of nowhere.

Almost as if they suddenly appeared out of the small door in the alley .

The men threw them on the road and the boss said "Enjoy for tonight tomorrow we will have to send them"

And all the others started whistling and laughing. A dark with almost no clothing pulled the girl nearest to him and slowly removed her chains. The girl was in no condition to stand except with the support of the man. He gave a ruthless laugh.

"No No pleple- Ting!"

Rori's phone vibrated with a message
"We are here. Don't move from there."

And in a blink of an eye the events changed.
The men were surrounded by gunshots and screams and they were outnumbered.

A small hand touched her black and she shrieked.
"Shhhh! Its It's me. Austin. Its It's ok",Austin comforted her. Rubbing her back to let go of tension.

And she hugged him. Letting her legs go weak. She hugged him tightly as if her life depended on it. She sobbed
"I was so scared Aus"
"Its Ok Rori. I'm here now. Its It's ok sweetheart "

They were both interrupted by a unfamiliar small voice "Thank you miss", the girl who Aurora saw first smiled at her. It was a smile of gratitude and peace. A smile saying how much it meant.
"When I first saw you hiding here I was angry at you for not doing any and simply staring but if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be alive tomorrow ".

Aurora gave a weak smile "I'm a girl like you too. I knew I couldn't fight those men by myself so I called help. I would have done anything to save you but I need to act after thinking not impulsively".

Austin kissed her and his eyes showed her how much proud he was of his girl.

"There are times when we shouldn't be ashamed to ask help. We are woman and we deserve freedom ", Rori added before she bade them goodbye

"Love you",Austin smiled and kissed her.

"Thank you Austin ", Aurora smiled at him and looked into his eyes "for coming and not questioning and thank you for trusting me "

"When love listens Rori every doubt disappear the only thing that mattered is you", Rori could see love shining in his deep hazel eyes.

"I love you Austin until love listens".

#life safety

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