

Write a short story where the protagonist has a doppelganger. #doppelganger

They say, if you meet your own doppelganger, it is a sign that you will die soon. I never believed that kind of stuff. They're just silly myths that people make up to scare their friends. It's all pure nonsense.

That was just before that I didn't believe it. Now I do.

I guess when they say 'to see is to believe', it really changes everything and it changes people's perspectives in life.

I'm telling you right now that this is not a joke. What I am going to tell is genuinely accurate. Though it is up to you if you're going to believe it or not. That is your choice, and I respect that.

Anyway, I'll stop beating around the bush and just say it.

I have met my doppelganger, and if what I read was true, then I am going to die soon.

It happened at such a random time, place, and day. I was in the restroom. I walked out of the stall I went in earlier and went to the sink to wash my hands and fix my hair and face. I was looking at the mirror when another girl walked out of another stall. I only took one glance at her, but when she looked extremely familiar, I took a second glance...and she looked exactly like me.

Her haircut was the same as mine, her eyes and eye color, her nose, her mouth, even her body looked exactly like mine. Her clothes weren't the same as my clothes so I was relieved with that.

It was really freaky. I was just staring at her, hoping she would notice me and say something about us looking alike but she was minding her business washing her hands.

I really wanted to talk to her, so I did.

"Hello there," I shyly said.

She wasn't replying, so I spoke a little louder and said hello to her again.

That time, she looked up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. She just...stared...with an unreadable expression. She didn't say anything nor did she even crack a smile. Her face was just...blank.

I was slightly freaked out by that but I had thought that maybe she was just as freaked out as I was because we looked exactly like each other.

She didn't say anything though, so I spoke again.

"This is crazy. We look exactly alike!" I tried to lighten up the mood and I even laughed but she was still staring at me with a blank expression.

I was getting genuinely freaked out by that time because no one can actually keep a straight face for that long when they meet someone that looks like them, right?

I wanted to look away but I wanted to see if she would smile. She didn't. She just stared, not moving an inch.

After a while of creepy and awkward silence, she faced me. She stood there for a few seconds before smiling and then leaving.

I stood there for what felt like hours. I had no idea what the hell just happened. But I did feel very uneasy when she smiled at me and I saw something in her eyes that I couldn't really explain. It was just plain creepy.

A day after that occurrence, I was meeting up with a friend. We went to a small restaurant to have lunch.

While we were talking, I mentioned my experience to her--because she liked creepy stuff and my experience was pretty creepy--and after I told her the story, she freaked out, saying that I just met my doppelganger and that I was going to die soon.

I didn't believe her. Instead, I told her that it was just pure coincidence but she was freaking the fuck out. We had to leave the restaurant in the middle of having lunch so she could get some fresh air. Then she started telling me advice on how to prevent myself from dying and that if I meet my "doppelganger" again, I shouldn't talk to her.

I thought that all she said was bullshit so I took her home and went home myself. I couldn't stop thinking about the things my friend told me so I did some research on it. Everything my friend said were exactly what articles and posts from paranormal sites said.

You know what I did? I laughed it all off. I never believed any of what the posts had said and went to take a nap.

The next few days have become hell for me. I kept seeing her everywhere I go but I never talked to her. She would always look at me with the same smile she gave me when I first saw her. It's making me insane! She's making me insane! I want this to just stop so I can have my normal life back. But no, she wants to see me suffer.

She's making me paranoid and everyone I know think I'm hallucinating whenever I'd see her but they don't.

I've actually fallen into severe depression and anxiety because of her. I don't even know what to do anymore. They all want me to go to a therapist but I am not going to. I am not crazy. She's real. She's everywhere.

Just like right now. I am typing this on my laptop. This is probably the last time I am going to type anything here. She is right behind me, mocking me at every word I type. I can't take this anymore. If I die, she dies too, right?

Right. That could be it. She's so happy right now. Her smile is so wide I could see all of her teeth.

I'm the opposite. I feel empty. I feel useless. I feel...nothing. My apartment is on the 17th floor of the building. That could work.

The clothes she was wearing when I first saw her, I am wearing those clothes right now. We look exactly alike. I didn't intend to wear those clothes. I just did.

To whoever is reading this, please read carefully to what I have to say.

If you ever meet your own doppelganger, do NOT talk to them. But then again, you're still going to die if you come face to face with them. But be very cautious. Don't let them get to you. Seek for help. Do the best you can to get away from your doppelganger. I am saying this whole-heartedly.

Stay safe.

