

'An out of body experience'
The mouse was silently creeping through the old French house searching for it's midnight snack.

I blanlkly stared at it until I became unbelievably dizzy.

It's ears perked up at the sound of a terrifying and frightening scream, causing it to slouch on all fours.

When I blacked out from panic, and lack of oxygen, my body came crashing down, it scampered away with its tiny heart beating fiercely.

He stopped. And stood there shaking frantically.

He had his giant, sharp, staggering teeth poking out from under his tiny lips ready to pierce through anything that comes in his way.

Then suddenly, he bacame still.

With the same horrifying face and red beady eyes.

As I lifted my head from the hardwood floor looking at him, observing and predicting his next move; I left out the most fearful, treacherous, gut wrenching scream he had ever heard.

Instantly, he died of a heart attack.

I was disoriented and stuck.

All I could think to myself was, "That's what you get for scaring the living soul out of me you little bastard. Rest in hell's sanction for the Muridae."

I was pale.
As if I had just seen a ghost.

It was 'an out of body experience'.

Now I'm just waiting for my soul to find its way home.

Written by:

Murophobia's Slave

© Amy Jo Koontz
