

Summer of Innocence
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge dreaming of a life free from poverty but in the midst of lack we were able to find and keep joy in our heart and soul.
Janice, Teresa, Timmy and Larry laid their weary heads on the green lush grass and though they've fully enjoyed their swim and the splashing around, they couldn't forget what happened earlier at home.
It was a normal afternoon fir the Gadson family as they completed their chores, the time for lunch arrived and they worriedly looked at one another in a knowing manner, thinking similar things about whether there would be enough food to feed the four if them and their two younger siblings.
Mama called for them " come eat lunch and then you cacan go swimming ". They slowly made their way towards the kitchen and noticed that there was only two plates with just enough for three people. As their Mother noticed the look of concern on their facefaces. she squared her shoulders and said well, get one the plates on the table and because I don't have much, it will need to be divided amongst everyone. They're Mother proceeded to place small amounts of beans, corn bread and Spam on each plate. As they glanced down they didn't even complain about how little it was on their plate, but Teresa did say, after seeing that the plates were all empty, with concern asked her Mother "what are you going to eat? " Child don't worry about me I'll be fine, a child's belly gets full before a parents.
With tears threatening to fall. eye's glassy, each child gave a little off their plate onto the one in front and the eldest Janice said But Mother don't you know that if you don't eat we want cause you are our true provider...anyway what will baby brother eat as he grows in your belly?
Tears welled up but didn't fall from their Mothers eyes, as she ate one bite from each child's plate and said our food is eaten with love and because of that we are rich.
Despite being told that earlier by their Mother, dreaming of a time where they were truly rich in food and love floodflooded their mind and hearts with a determination to ensure that when adulthood comes poverty ends. Peace in knowing and believing that this dream would come true, brought the innocence back with a wisdom too.
Timmy got up and looked at the river saying let's jump into the river of possibilities for we will make our dreams come true. With a smile on their faces and joy abounding with childish abandonment Larry pushed Timmy in the river as ripples of laughter could be heard fir miles. Fir the worries had been washed away as joy entered their mind and only thoughts of retaliation for getting wet again by coldest of the river led to each one playfully being the child their meant to be.
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