

Your you book would start Destruction is fun.
This is for Evil. Capital E. second sentence. Oops. My book first sentence is Gotta Survive. Second sentence. No time for oops. Your third sentence would be "We gotta coexist." My third sentence is "No time gotta go." Your fourth sentence is "How?" My fourth sentence "They cheat and will be fast." Your fifth sentence and mine are same. "Gotta be saved to something, too many impossibles." Your sixth sentence is "We are tricky." My sixth sentence is "They will always be before so run from age 8-13." My seventh sentence is "They learn with every..." Their seventh sentence is "No matter what we are against each other." My eighth sentence is " I don't want their religions or anything from them." Their eighth sentence is "We gotta leave people alone to coexist and survive." My ninth sentence is "Run for your life metaphorically seriously." Your ninth sentence is " No matter what do not get last laugh."