

The incident
Lara, was at a party with her boyfriend and friends,they enjoyed themselves, had fun,dancing, drinking smoking, chatting, until then,she felt like she was being watched by someone. Where ever she went,she could feel someone there,she looks around but no ones there. She informs her boyfriend but he ignores her and continues dancing,she then decides to go upstairs to the bathroom. Once she's done,she continues chatting with her friends, until she felt that presence, she looks once more, but no one again,she then goes outside to phone her mom,because she was getting scared about this feeling.

Her mother answers her:
: Hi mom
: yes honey? what's wrong?
: Mom,can I talk to you about something important?
: Can we discuss this later my love,I'm busy with work,I have so much left to do?
: But it's really important. Please mom
:Okay fine,but make it quick please.
: Okay. Mom,I have a feeling that someone is following me,but everytime I look around me, there's no one there.
: Darling, I know you're at the party and you did drink,so you could be thinking things. There's nothing wrong. You're just drunk.
: But mom, I'm serious about this. It happens every couple of hours,this feeling of someone watching me.
: Look don't worry about anything, when you go to bed,you'll realize it was nothing. Okay my love, I'll see you later on,love you,come home soon. Good night/morning.
* mom hangs up*
She was about to go back into the party,but then something else happened...

*part 2 coming*

© T.Jafta