

The Beauty Within

In life, we find many things along the way that give us reason to carry on living, or that makes us second guess our actions and reactions to the everyday things we do.

  Some of those things could simply be, a beautiful flower as it comes into full bloom, or maybe a tree that has the new blossoms, with petals that gently fall from each bud; as a breeze blows them gently across the fresh pastured grass.

   These and many simplistic things, really inspire me, they give me purpose and help me to understand more about the wide world around me. I am a Kadampa Buddhist Practitioner by faith, and I find that having a belief system that makes you perceive the world through slightly a different doctoring or ideology. Can be very enlightening.

   I was not always a Buddhist. In fact, I had no real religious beliefs what so ever, before I took an interest in the Buddhist faith. I spent three years, generally reading and researching numerous Buddhist practices.

Until I came across a website advertising a teaching college not far from where I live. I spent a week there working and studying and instantly became a practitioner of the New Kadampa faith.

   The reason I became interested in Buddhism is a little unusual, to say the least, as it was a moment of pure destiny, a case of right time, right place.
    I was living in London, back then, during a period in my life, when things were very raw and unbalanced, I was...