

ep1 A Minor Set Back
" Find her and kill her, she knows to much", a man ordered as soldiers spread out. The scene zoomed out exposing a woman who seemed to be hiding in a bush.With a gasp Marielle woke up. Ugh that same dream again! who is this girl I keep seeing is this some sort of vision? marielle though to herself.
Ever since she suddenly appeared at her school with no rerecollection of what had happened she had been getting these strange dreams mostly the one about this evil looking guy trying to find this woman.
Shaking off the thought she got dressed, and before heading out grabbed a bagel. At school it was the usual chaos kids throwing paper airplanes at each other, students being pushed against lockers, crowded halls you namname it
But their was something different about today, she had this creeping sensation that someone was watching her. "I really need to get out more",she said to herself. That day was one to never forget.
In the morning when her math teacher was writing on the board she saw a shadow pass over it. Then I French something wet brushed against her head.
That night she had another one of those dreams. In this dream there was a wizard and the same woman from every single dream. Marielle couldn't tell what she looked like because she was all blurry
But she knew her name was mari. The wizard began to chant an incantation/spell. The next thing she knew the woman was evaporating in thin air. After the scene became more clear. "Where am I?", the woman from the dream asked.