

30 minutes in a barbershop
What would you do, if you got in situation with no way out? And i'm thinking this litteraly!

I am just regular 22 years old girl who lives in big city. I am studying, so i work part-time job at barbershop. And no, i'm not the barber, i'm a hostess. Today's day it's very weird, from this morning everyone should wear face masks ( so i am wearing), but i have no damn clue why.

But, let me ask you something: what are you going to do, if positive on deadly virus client comes to barbershop with dimensions 4x4? Btw, no one knows he is sick, and the virus can be spread by touch, breathing..

5 minutes before the virus attack

-'Trim my hair as usual' -says the client. He is man in his 40ties, and so handsome for his age. He is regular client, so i know their conversation- politics, money and women.

2 minutes before the virus attack

As usual, because of the pollen allergy she started to cough. So i gave him loratadine pill. I always have whole 'pharmacy' in my purse.

But, as i noticed, this time it was different. He coughed blood, and suddenly it started flowing blood from his nose too. 'I can't breath' - he said.

The attack

I stood beside him because he said he felt dizzy too, giving him water. The glass slipped out of his hands and he fell in my hands. When i looked at his face his eyes were rolled so that only his whites were visible. I laid him down, he was no longer breathing. I checked his pulse which was running very weak, and i screamed at the barber to call 911. When i looked back at the man, he skin was turning blue out of nowhere. I got so scared that my hear missed a beat! I didn't want to laugh, but he looked like a smurf.

10 minutes during the attack

I was talking to a 911 medical officer, and by his addvice we set him up in sitting position to prevent suffocation. The man looked like a snake. His skin began to burst and blood flowed through the cracks.

20 minutes during the attack

The emergency service got stucked with the traffic, and because of that i had to 'save' his life. And i failed. I needen to disolve ibuprofen and paracetamol pills and inject it into his vein. So i did it. I took a syringe and needle from the first aid box that the barber, forunately, had it, and inject the liquid into his neck vein. It was clear that he was near death.

Finally the ambulance arrived.

Thanks to the new technology the paramedics performed a blood test. His heart rate was 250bpm. They tried to wake him up with electic shocks, but that only aggravated the situation because the voltage caused his eyes to burst. His body went flabby.

30 minutes after the attack

His heart stopped pumping. The blood results showed high red blood cells which caused blue blood, and presence of toxic particles.

40 minutes later

Right now i'm locked in the bathroom and writing this. I hope when the end of this new version of world war comes, someone will put this article in history, as they did with Ana Frank's diairy, because, i just found out that every living person on the earth is positive on the virus. Its was in the air this whole time.

Now, i am waiting for mine 30 minutes of hell to start.