

Time Machine

Where we are going we won't need any roads!

Let's activate the hippocampus, neo-cortex and the amygdala,
better known as the flux capacitor.

Pick a time and date in the past and... I bet you I'll get there in a split second.

With my five senses, it'll be like I never left that time period.

I can still touch the first bed, in my first room that I had when I was a kid.

I can still smell my Grandmother's cooking when I would get home from school.

I can still see the first girl I ever kissed close her eyes as we both puckered our lips like two lost birds,
clueless on what to do next.

I can still hear the best music from the 90s being played.

I can still taste the winter air before the holidays.

These are all the best features in the time machine that God gave me.

It's crazy how some people destroy their time machine carelessly, without giving it a second thought.

I mean really...
Think about it...

Who would ever put alcohol and drugs in a Delorean gas tank?

Who would ever graffiti their significant other's name on their Delorean?

Well I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I'm going to wash mine daily

And I'm going to try to put premium gas when I can afford it.

I can't have my Delorean breaking down anytime soon, because memories are all I have.

© Chris Gonzales