

finding universal love
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. looking left ,standing in a pile of ratty old boxes, was a big green dumpster .Covered with age, and abuse.One wheel of the four that sapported the monstrasity,had ,by the looks of it, dissappered into the dumpster wheel dump hevan ,long ago. Covered with a shadow of dried liquide and food stains, had created ,a kind of murual to the shaddowy back splash of the alley .The stench permiating the murual,only added to the gloom of my failing and darkening heart ,that was now beating , wildly out of my chest.I gasped in horror. i scanned the rest of the left side of the alley , I spied a broken lawnmower engine; rusted and in shatters , couple wires a foot away. And there was a mattress , burned in the middle ,stained with age and ripped to shreds. This mattress ,witch at one point, had kept a human warm and dry, had now , rosolved its position in life,to being a canopy for eternaty to a lowly lawn mower engine , lyeing togather ,it had seemed, to me that with all the abuse that the two extrodinay , uniquly relavant to a foremer life, creatures ,for that is what i now see them as ,creatues, have chosen to be fore gotten in this shadowey corner of a dismal old alley,what would drive any creature to such a fate,but it had also occured to me that they were makeing one last stand for surrvival,the old matress protecting and warming the old engine, as if to say , we are kings , and we feel alive.
My eyes averted to the right corner by a movement , scattering in circles. A mouse. He was searching in circles around some old bags ,which appeared , to have been left just hours ago . there was a crushed up BK bag ,and a half eatan quarter pounder was being fished out and unwrapped from its tomb of parchment and paper,and i noticed a group of french fries scattered about. The mouse ,so cute in its tiny grey body,and pink lips had doug a tunnel ,and a piece of lettuce and bun and burger had emerged, looking happy the mouse sat on its hind legs and took a few nibbles.twitched its whiskers and ,after a pause grabbed the paper and dragged it under the matress; i was astonished by the generosity of the living and of the dead. It was if the mouse , had made a bargain with the engine and matress ,to supply food to the bitter ,glorious end.
Still shaking ,and affraid from the hospital . I suddenly felt a hand on my left shoulder, I turned so quikely that i stumbled backward two or three steps . Flailing , the darkness threating to take over ,my ass hit something wet . It was a puddle . I opened my eyes and scanned the area, a tall man in a green polo shirt and black kahkies was bending down to touch me. I gasped, Suneshine ,kelly ,kelly, its me....my vision cleared, daddy ,daddy I love you and jumped into the mans arms..The man wrapped his arms around his daughter ..Whats wrong sunshine, why did you run , .
with tears in my eyes i said mo mo mom mommy ..in hospital...oh baby oh sweet kelly ..your mommy is just fine , ...but the others,i replied, . The others in that place ..oh I see ,the man replied back ..well yes baby some people that go there dont feel well..But your mommy helps them ..she is called a nurse , she goes there to help them and than comes home and loves you.
I hugged my dad and took one last glance at the dumpster surrounded by its cardboard boxes than at the engine ,the matress and and the mouse ,and smiled . we will never be deserted will we ,i thought to myself..