

What are the best habits in the night.?
1.Prioritize brushing your teeth before bedtime.
2.Hydrate with a glass of water before going to sleep.
3.Plan your to-do list for the next day ahead of time.
4.Relax your muscles by doing stretches before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
5.Engage in bedtime reading to ease into sleep.
6.Express gratitude for three things and journal your day while keeping track of expenses.
7.Select your outfit for the next day in advance.
8.Enjoy a 10-15 minute post-dinner walk for better digestion.
9.Take a mindful 10-minute break, free from thoughts.
10.Practice deep breathing: Inhale, exhale for relaxation.
11.Don’t workout within 2 hours of when you plan to sleep
12.Avoid big meals before bed
13.Say “Good night” to everyone.
14.Remember your respected God & thank him/her for keeping you alive for another day.
15.Focus on a particular good topic in which you can dream to get good vibes.

© bad_karma322