

Live it..Love it..Leave it..Chapter 7
" oh..come on sasha..we, as a family, are not very adept in judging people", her brother Shyam commented as he sipped his coffee. He raised his cup in mock salute towards his mother," Ma..you make the best coffee in the whole world". Her mother smiled at him with indulgence. Ah..Shyam has a way with her. He has come on a flying visit on his mother's request.He was told the whole story.
" Nithish is a good friend..nothing more than that..better you didn't get yourself into any commitment", he summoned the whole affair. Is it that simple?
" oh..Sasha..if what has happened is true..I feel..well...it is time you moved on.."
" yes...there seems to be no choice"
" No choice is also a choice",he patted her head fondly.
" I don't believe in love and all that crap..just a high caused by hormones..Nithish is too old for all that..well..men marry for various reasons..we need not get into it..I am only worried about you", he looked concerned.
" But..I just could not understand",sasha answered feebly.
" There is no need to..it is just how we are going to react..basically how smart you are "
" what do you mean?"
" People don't change overnight..his mask has fallen..that is all..he is okay..I saw him few days before..get away from him..do something that makes you happy", he ended the discussion.
"easily said than done", thought Sasha. The very thought she had been outwitted, pained her. All those moments he had spent with her were false..why should people do this to anyone?what did they gain? can a relationship be built on something false..totally nauseating...one thing was sure..his basic character is flawed. Sasha recollected everything..she had been true..true and loyal..almost to a fault..she should take pride in the way she was handling the whole thing.
( to be contd.)

© nandini bose