

YOU matters 🎀
you are the main character in your life , you gonna rock and roll but you are side characters in other's life also. You all are good trust me someone on the street wishes that they have the same smile like u ,someone secretly crushes on you , someone who sits behind you wishes that they have your hair . someone still smiles thinking about the compliment you have given them , Some wishes for your humour, the way u speak, the way u are confident, your knowledge, and everything. someone out there is proud of you ,U think like u don't matter in other people's lives but u do. U are an inspiration for someone. We all just have seen our version of world , our perceptive but there are other peoples in your life who have their own version. I remember something I read that goes like - "I wander what I look like in your eyes" this question or this thought kind of fascinates me everytime , it forces me to think . So just smile ...... Live your life at fullest.
© pixie